
Do I stand a chance of winning a full scholarship?

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I got a SAT score of 630 in writing 650 in reading and 670 in maths. I plan to apply at New York University, University of Maryland, University of Columbia,University of Michigan and University of Rochester. I did a lot of extracurricular activities, played piano, did martial arts, ballroom dancing, swimming and engaged in activities testing leadership abilities.




  1. No, not for the schools you list. There are almost no Full scholarships out there. To get even a partial scholarship, you would need to be at the very top of the applicant pool at the schools you are applying to. We don't have your GPA, but your SATs are just average for your schools. I would expect very little merit aid at all at these schools, you need to go way down in rankings for schools you can get merit aid at. I can tell you for sure there is no chance for a cent at NYU, they want, and get, 750 SAT scores for their money.

  2. yes

  3. Your scores are good (I notice,though, that you didn't mention your grades!) and you have great actvities, but I would have to say no.  The number of students on academic full scholarships is tiny (at my last school, it was about 15 out of 1100 students/year, which is pretty average), and the schools you are applying to attract lots of really strong students.  If you were going to a lesser school, maybe.

  4. well im only 12

    so i dont know much about this stuff

    but it sounds good to me lol

    u should have a good chance!



    Good Luck! :))

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