
Do I still need a passport to travel to holland from UK ? I thought they had stopped now were in eec ?

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Do I still need a passport to travel to holland from UK ? I thought they had stopped now were in eec ?




  1. In The Netherlands you are required to be able to identify yourself at any time when asked by an official (customs, police).

    Therefore, either an ID card or a passport is mandatory. Even for the natives here -we are required to be able to show some ID when asked.

    This is similar for all other european countries - so don`t leave home without an ID.

  2. Uk is not part of Shengen open borders agreement so you will need a passport

  3. Yes you will.

  4. If you stay in an hotel, they will request your passport for the forms they need to complete about Foreign Nationals staying, but more importantly, you will need your Passport to get back into England!

  5. For travelling you need either an ID-Card or as passport in EEC. Since British citizens do not have an ID-card they need a passport.

  6. yep you do

  7. Of course you'll need your passport ... or an Internationally recognised ID card.  How would they know that you were from the UK?  For all they know you could be from any of a multitude of different countries, and who's to say you're not wanted?

  8. Yes, you need a passport .... where did you hear you don't? They always check people's ID when going through airports.

  9. yeah its important to carry your passport..

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