
Do I supposed to wear diapers to school and long car trips?

by Guest65182  |  earlier

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Hi, i'm 13 year old and my mom wants me to war diapers at school and on long car trips (even just a 2hour trip) and that kind of sucks. Some see the diaper at school and once on a car trip my mom changed me in the bathroom and I was so embarassed. I pee a little and my mom doesn't want other people to see me a little wet soemtimes, instead a teen in a diaper. Is that fair to me?




  1. ask mommy to potty train you

    lol wtf?

  2. Please ignore some of the other answers to your question.  Sometimes people can be a little mean when they don't understand someones problems or have not dealt with the same type of problem.  

    It sounds as if you probably have a medical condition if you can not hold your bladder or leak a little before you realize you have to use the bathroom.  You should ask your mom to please take you to the doctor to talk about this because you know it is not normal for a teenager to have to wear diapers.  Tell her that it is very embarrassing for you, especially when she won't let you change them yourself.  If you need to use them for protection to keep your clothes dry until you can see a doctor and find out if there is a medical explanation for this, then explain to her that you will take care of putting them on and that you don't feel comfortable with her doing that it public restrooms.

    What really isn't fair in this situation is that if she has recognized that you seem to have a problem holding your bladder and need protection to keep your clothes dry, then she should have taken you to the doctor long before she ever made you wear a diaper.  She could have prevented this humiliation before it got to this point.  Maybe she doesn't know that there really are medical reasons for this type of thing though, so when you talk with her try to talk to her calmly and just let her know you want to go to the doctor just to make sure there isn't something serious going on.

  3. report your mother to the "Department of Human Services" and tell your teachers about her. If they dont call, talk to your school councilor. and she/he should do so! remember these letters. . . DHS okay!

    ~ This is for if this question is for real! or. . . for if this question is fake. . . (sigh)

    It's all up to you kid!


  4. uhh no comment

  5. I would have more of a problem with my mom changing me at 13 than someone seeing the diaper. The first is definitely more embarassing. Can you not change yourself or go to the bathroom when you feel the urge? What kind of question is this must be joking. Right?

    Do you have a medical problem? Have you seen a pediatrician about this issue?

  6. No your not. Remind your mom, "Mom, I'm THIRTEEN, I'm a TEENAGER now. I don't need to wear diapers to school and car trips anymore. I know how to use the bathroom. I could go to bathrooms at school and we can always stop at gasoline stations if I need to pee." If that works, tell me and pick me as best answer.

  7. wat? when you have to pee just go to the bathrom. do oyu like have some kind of condition or sumthin? and y would you let yourmom make you wear diapers when your 13?!!?!?!?!?!!?!

  8. no not normal. Tell her NO!

  9. HUH? What the...

  10. Unless you have some kind of urinary issue, I would tell my mom to stop putting diapers on me. If you don't want to wear them just talk to her about it. If you feel that you can do well without wearing a diaper, then tell her.

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