
Do I tell my daughter about my personal relationship experiences?

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I have a 12 year old daughter starting to go through the boy stage. I've talked to her in the past about s*x but it's been suggested to me that for her to appreciate some restrictions (like not dating until high school) or certain communication with boys (like I LOVE YOU texts she's been receiving from a boy) I should talk to her about my own personal relaltionship experiences. Now, I was teenage mother at 16. I started having s*x at about 13. I don't know if telling her about my experiences (not ones to follow) should really be discussed. How about if she goes the route of "Well if my mom did it....." I guess what I'm asking is I'm not sure if gettting personal is right and if so, I don't know what stories are appropriate. i always tell her school before family. I have emphasized the importance of being financially stable before having a family. Is there more I should say to relay my message of boys pressuring her and the like?

**I'm the mom, using my hubby's account :)




  1. Being 12 and reciving texts from guys is perfectly normal.

    However, everyone should know and be aware about s*x.

    Maybe you should explain it to her.

    Don't tell her about your experiences! That's weird :P

    Tell her...

    Wait until you find someone you love.

    Until someone makes your toes curl.

    Until you get butterflies.

    Until you have been with someone for a LONG time!

    Until you have enough money incase you get pregnant!

    Until you are in love.

    and perhaps..

    Until you're married!

    Peace ; ]

  2. i wouldnt put heaps of info on her especially while she's so young, but definitely let her know about the teen pregnancy thing and tell her how it changed your life and all the things you missed out on.

    dont tell her in depth s*x stories--it'll just creep her out and definitely dont make her feel as though she has to feel bad if she does make a decision.

    hope i helped

    make sure she knows she can come to you without it being all weird

  3. I'm a 13 yo girl, and going through that stage. Mum told me just not to have s*x at all, and that im allowed to go to the movies, but as a group date. I get txt messages like that sometimes, and you know, it doesn't really matter. If you think she is the sort of person who will do "bad" stuff, I would just warn her. no need to tell her your experiences, it'll make her either want s*x, or be afraid of it.

  4. yes, you should have a lot earlier.

  5. well, dont go into detail, but just tell her how hard a teenage pregnancy was for you and that you don't want her making the same mistake you did

  6. No I wouldnt talk to your teenager about your past life, but let her know that you got pregnant at a young age without going into details. Educate her about being sexuailty active of diseaes, pregnancy and the trouble that comes along with it - that she dosent need at her age.

    best of luck

  7. if your daughters name is geena tell her.

    if not don't.

  8. I agree somethings you just don't tell your kids. I think that you should tell her to wait until after marriage....yes she might use the whole but you didn't. Tell her your the mom who made a mistake and had to drop out of highschool to raise a child....who lost her friends and had a ruff lonely time. Also tell her the even though you regret the order you don't regret having her!

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