
Do I tell their parents?

by Guest31621  |  earlier

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Yesterday afternoon I came home to my apt building to find the kids from across the hall getting high on something called "jenkem" which they say they heard about at school. This "jenkem" is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. They urinate and defecate in plastic bottles and leave them to ferment in the sun, then inhale the resulting gas. I know it sounds unreal but when I came home I found these kids sprawled on the steps and having a very disjointed conversation. There was a horrible, putrid smell in the air, and when I questioned them they freely admited what they were up to! I can't believe anyone would do something like this. I looked it up on the internet and apparently this was something invented by african children that wound up online and now kids all over the world are doing it.

This seems to be a new thing and I can't find any information about the health effects of jenkem - I think it is the methane and ammonia content that provides the desired high, but I don't really know. Both of those are very harmful chemicals. All sorts of diseases are spread through fecal matter. I imagine it could lead to some very serious health problems. But I haven't been able to confirm that it is illegal! Would I still be justified telling the adults next door about their kids activities?




  1. Think about it this way... would you want to be told if they were your kids?

    And... if something happened to them, and you hadn't spoken up - could you live with yourself?

  2. Tell the parents ASAP. Not only are these kids killing brain cells but they're creating a biohazard.

  3. If you do not alert their parents before something dreadful happens you will have a rough time also.

    Their behavior can lead to other drugs quickly and if they fall prey to others in the neighborhood they could become dealers and or child prostitutes.  this is happening at an alarming rate

  4. Yes, you would be justified in telling the parents.  You don't have to enforce any rules, and there is nothing wrong with telling the parents that there might be something to look into for their children's well-being.  They can then decide what to do about it.  Wouldn't you want to know if your children were doing something potentially dangerous to themselves and others?  I would let the parents know.

  5. If your afraid of retaliation, then write a note (or type) and put it in the parents mail box.  

  6. If your story is true, tell the parents.  If your story is a hoax, like most jenkem reports in the US, please find something better to do with your time.

  7. Absolutely!  Tell the parents!  For the sake of their health and your peace of mind!  I'm sure they would want to know!  As for the kids they are probably so out of it that they wouldn't hold it against you.  

  8. yes, this is a new fad. and not only gross but dangerous.. if their parents even care, I would tell them. that's bad business

  9. it doesn't even matter if it's illegal, if it's not now, it's probably a new way of getting high and will be illegal soon. It's unhealthy. Getting high can kill the brain. Fecal diseases can kill. You have to tell these kids' parents so something can be done about it. Just think about it, if something happens to these kids as a result of getting high, than you are going to feel guilty, and if someone finds out you knew, you are going to get in deep trouble, especially if the kid dies. Also, once they get hooked on getting high, they will look for real drugs to do it with. Tell.  

  10. i just looked up jenkem, and everyone pretty much says that its an urban legend. kids in america wouldn't have to go through all of that trouble (and grossness) to get high when they can merely huff paint thinner and household products.

  11. Yes, you would be justified.  If kids are willing to get high, no matter what they are using, parents need to step in.  Maybe I just don't know how to mind my own business, but I would tell the parents and if it were my kids, I would want to be told.


  13. I think you should absolutely tell them, you may be saving these kids' lives by doing so.

  14. That's crazy!

    And to think that when I was a teenager I used to just go smoke pot out back.

    Yeah, I'd tell their parents.  That's really, really, really gross.  Eeeeeewwwww!!!!!!!

  15. OH MY GAWD! I dont get it... kids get dumber every day! Why would you even want to do that!? That is disgusting! I have heard of some of the ways kids get high now and days and its so bizarre!

    Ok to your question, do you know their parents? If so what kind of parents are they? If they are good parents and usually keep some kind of reign on their kids, I would tell them. If they are rude and hateful and the kind that doesn't really care, I would call the cops instead.

    Either way, these kids need to get some help... that seems like VERY desperate measures to get a high and I am assuming that there is probably a problem with other drugs if they are they huffing human waste... and probably they couldnt get their hands on anything else... so if you don't tell the parents, call the cops or CPS. I can't help but think this is a more serious problem and it not a one time thing, and they need help.  

  16. Absolutely tell them.  If it were your child, would you want someone to tell you?

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