
Do I try to get over her or do I fight to see her?

by  |  earlier

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My wife and I had been helping raise my stepdaughter's daughter for the past year. I left my wife 3 months ago because I could no longer stand her alcoholism and my stepdaughter's. My granddaughter was placed with her father, a meth freak, since then and I haven't gotten to see her in about a month. I love and I miss my granddaughter so much. I frequently cry because I miss her but she is involved in a custody dispute and neither of the parties really want anything to do with me. I don;t know what to do. I am afraid I will never see her again and it hurts so much.




  1. You should not give up, you should fight for what you want.  But try to be understanding of everyone elses feelings in the situation too, to try not to create anymore friction.

  2. If you are not a blood relative of the child unfortunately there is nothing you can legally do to be able to see her. This does not mean you should turn your back on the situation though, if you feel that the child's safety is at stake you should contact DSS, local authorities, or if you know who they are you should contact the people who are handling the custody case. You will feel better about everthing if you know that you did everything you could to protect your granddaughter! Good luck and I hope everything turns out for the best.

  3. i would try some how to ck up on her cause meth freaks will sell there own kids to get more of the drug, thats sad he would even b considered a decent place for her to stay,,good luck n  peace

  4. Fight to see her! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


  5. You have no legal recourse to fight for visitation since she is not related to you. If the child has been placed with a meth freak surely CPS knows what type of parent he is. If not then it might be worth a phone call to them for the safety of this child.

  6. Do the think that you feel good with, get to see if things work, it can be that things go fine.

  7. you could attempt to get custody of her

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