
Do I wait around for this guy or should I let him go?

by  |  earlier

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We have had feelings for each other and have been intimate. One day he opens up to me and the next day he shuts me out. This has happened more than once. I got frustrated and told him I was done and we didn't have contact for 2 weeks. Then he texted me out of the blue and told me he's scared of getting hurt cuz it happened twice before and he then threw in lets have a But the next day he shut me out he mental?




  1. I say leave him alone...get oof of his emotional rollar coaster...I'm going through the same experience and you get to a point where you get tired and fed up. SO I say leave him alone (MO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS) when you do that you wil allow yourself to see how much of a prize YOU ARE and ANY MAN that can't see that is not worth your time..and not a real friend!!  Remember real friends/boyfriends, etc uplift not bring down...and you want a man that will assist in being the BEST you you can be and you do the same for him!!  YAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME..YOU'll BE ALRIGHT....LIKE THE OTHER PEOPLE STATED ....THE MAN FOR WILL CHERISH AND CHASE YOU!!

  2. Tell him that you need to know if he is actually serious about wanting to be with you and if he isn't your not going to wait around for him, i know its hard but you can't spend ur whole life waiting for a guy that keeps changing his mind.

  3. I don't think having a baby with this guy is a good idea, he can't even decide simple things for himself... he seems like he is stock on his past from being hurt but to tell you honestly I think it's a b.s... he will never find someone that will love him genuinely if he keeps doing this..

    first of all think about yourself!!!.. do you wanna deal with this?!?!?..  do you wanna be always keep waiting?!?..

    a guy should be the one waiting not the girl!!!.. tell yourself that your preciuos and a treasure.. and let him know that.. i guess the reason him keep doing that is cause he knows you'll always answer your door everytime he knocks and he can just leaven whenever he feels like leaving.. YOU ARE NOT A DOOR MAT!!!

  4. Yes he is rather daffy. He sounds like the type that has strong feelings which guide him into saying and doing what he does. One moment you'll be exactly what he's looking for, then the next day, you are anything but what he wants. This is the type of relationship you want to avoid getting into, simply because it can lead to alot of confusion, and that you'll never really know why he is not fully accepting you.  

  5. STAY AWAY!!!!

    He has lack of commitment written all over him. Get out now!

  6. well what i can tell u is yes guys can be scared sometimes more than women.but one thing i would look for big is if he starts acting realy werid tords u then that means he could be cheating

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