
Do Irish businesses buy art? Or would they consider renting artworks instead?

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I specified Irish companies because I live in Ireland.




  1. I would suggest they do both ... those that can, buy, those that can't, rent ..

    Not sure why you specified Irish Companies ? Of course many International Companies have their European central offices based in Ireland (and I would expect a 'head office' to be more likley to rent or buy art than, say, a manufacturing plant) however such Companies buy art the world over .. and are more likley, perhaps, to buy at a London (or even New York) Art Auction than one in Dublin ..

  2. Hi, I am an artist in the US. Not sure, but they must get their art from somewhere - why not a local artist?

    The best way to break into getting businesses to consider buying art is to try to get a small exhibit going. Local coffee shops/cafes (near business centers) are great as venues for your work - that would be an excellent place to start. You just need to raise your profile. Then, approach them about hiring or purchasing artwork. There is a lot of footwork, and sadly rejection involved in this.

    It also depends on the type of business and the type of art. Most business people shy away from anything avant garde or too conceptual. They prefer approachable and minimally challenging - also, they might freak out a bit in regard to nudity at times (???) They tend to play it safe.

    I think the relative scarcity of galleries in Dublin is part of this - as the arts section/neighborhoods grows - so will opportunities for local talent.

    As for rental - I do know that there are businesses in most larger cities in the US that rent art work, both generic and very high end to businesses. Many (US) Museums and galleries do this themselves. Is there nothing like this near you? If so - that might be an excellent business opportunity for you - you can create such a business. rental can be problematic , as there is implied responsibility, insurance/damage issues for the client. They might not want to deal with such issues.

    Sorry that I didn't have more Ireland specific information. But it seems that you might have found a lack in services - a very good opportunity to supplement your art career.

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