
Do Israelis feel ashamed to for the atrocities they do against Palestinians? Take 22?

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i do not know how to phrase this question so it does not get deleted. I want to know will you give me the chance to get responses?




  1. It’s OK to kill a Jew if it’s a hundred or just one or two. Whether it’s a homicide bomber in a market or a car bomb in a schoolyard where they did park it. The act will get a slight mention on the mainstream news CBS, ABC or NBC you choose. Just shooting an Israeli settler now and then will at most just get a ten second mention on CNN. But don’t you let a Muslim woman cry or it will be transmitted to all the news satellites in the sky. The scene will be played on your TV over and over every day and the image will almost never go away. “They arrested my son” she will tearfully say, “and all he did was kill a few Jews yesterday”. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will then demand that this Israeli aggression will not stand and must end soon! The French will then say Israeli oppression is out of hand. Hezbollah, Hamas the PLO will be given millions in compensation who knows where the money will go. The UN will need more money for a plan of relief so the US taxpayers fund them its beyond belief. So the message is clear on the national news. It’s really OK if you are just killing Jews

    Southern Lebanon is another story; Hezbollah is there in all its glory. Children play indoors on Katusha Rockets with bright yellow Hezbollah flags tucked in their pockets. Automatic weapons hang on the living room walls and rocket launchers are hidden in the apartment halls. Israel planes better not bomb this innocent family of just children and a mom. They are innocent because the news media says so, no matter the evidences to the contrary don’t question them they just know. The innocent are not able to get out of the way because the families father has demanded that they stay. Islam is different but Americans are to dumb to know the wife cannot leave the house without a mans permission to go. I think it’s cowardly but the EU thinks its smart to stop rocket attacks on Israel you must blow the family apart. The press calls them innocent civilians and more even though Hezbollah fighters are standing at the apartment door. So now press reports it’s horrible, hateful, evil just to name a few, proving don’t kill Arabs but its OK to kill a Jew.

  2. You are tempting me to show you you are wrong.

    You ask the same question over and over this makes no sense, if anything it should be deleted for that reason.

    I don't think Israelis have something to be  ashamed of.

    I predict they will delete your question this time.

    Soon ...

    How about this for a reason. RANTING

    A rant or harangue is a monologue that does not present a well-researched and calm argument.

  3. No, because they do not commit atrocities. That term requires a knowledge that something is wrong but to do it anyway. An example would be to strap a bomb on yourself and blow up a bus full of civilians. That is an atrocity.

    Accidentally killing someone that a "soldier" is hiding behind, as the Palestinians "soldiers" do, can't be helped. The word hiding, as used here can mean literally or figuratively.

    Putting guns on the roof of a hospital and daring the Israelis to shoot you is an act of cowardice, not honor. If a civilian is killed, it is not the fault of the Israeli, but the fault of the "soldiers" that tried to hide behind the fact that it is wrong to shoot at a hospital.

    You are having such a hard time with the phrasing because your premise is totally faulty. Your question is not really a question, but a statement. Actually it is an incorrect statement at that.

    P.S. Beautiful Sunset's answer is totally incredible. For one thing, you cannot see anyone's IP address, so her statement is simply made up. Actually, most everything she says, on all her answers are made up. It is very wrong to present opinions a facts. That is called lying.

    Saying that a Jew who saw something terrible would instantly become a Christian is also incredible. A person would instantly start believing that Christ was the messiah just because they saw a terrible act being comitted? That is insulting to Jews and Christians and it shows a terrible lack of understanding of religion.

  4. I dont recognize isreal as a country, if it wasnt for the us they wouldnt exist. If US politics are truely separate from religion than the US would have never supported isreal and they would have gone down in a matter of days.

    You can give me a thumbs down i dont care...becuase everyone knows that isreal was stollen from the palestinians.

  5. No, they don't. There are a few (and I stress few) Jews living in Palestine that want peace, but the majority are shameless.

  6. take 22, here is my answer again for you, i have responded every time....

    When Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, officials took measures to improve the conditions that Palestinians had lived under during Jordan’s 19-year occupation of the West Bank, and Egypt’s occupation of Gaza. Universities were opened, Israeli agricultural innovations were shared, modern conveniences were introduced, and health care was significantly upgraded. More than 100,000 Palestinians were employed in Israel, and were paid the same wages as Israeli workers, which stimulated economic growth.

    The rise in violence during the 1990s, and then the war instigated by Palestinian terrorists beginning in 2000, has taken a heavy toll on the Palestinian economy. To protect its citizens from suicide bombers and other terrorists, Israel was forced to take measures that had a deleterious impact on the economy in the Palestinian Authority. The most serious step was to limit the number of Palestinian workers entering Israel to reduce the risk of terrorists pretending to be workers slipping into the country. This raised the level of unemployment, which, in turn, had a negative spillover effect on the rest of the Palestinian economy.

    Despite the collapse of the PA economy from the last five years of war, Palestinian Arabs are still better off than many of their neighbors. The most recent Human Development Report from the United Nations ranks the PA 102nd in terms of life expectancy, educational attainment and adjusted real income out of the 177 countries and territories in the world, placing it in the “medium human development” category along with most of the other Middle Eastern states (only the Gulf sheikdoms are ranked “high”). The PA is ranked just 12 places below Jordan and one behind Iran; it is rated ahead of Syria (#105), Algeria (#108), Egypt (#120), and Morocco (#125)

    Few Palestinians would trade places with Arabs in neighboring countries. Well, perhaps, with one exception. They might aspire to the standard of living in the country ranked 22nd by the UN – Israel.

  7. I don't think that Israel has to apologize because crimes were committed also by the Palestinians on the Jewish people.

    You can't go back into a time machine there Rabbi.  

    Things could have been different but they are not.

    The Palestinians put themselves in their own place, they should feel ashamed for doing what led them there.  To support a terrorist like Yasser Arafat for 100 years, who not only did crimes against the Jews but also the innocent Lebanese (such as the Damour massacre where hundreds of lebanese children and women were murdered by PLO terrorists)

    I think the bottom line is committing an atrocity in the name of your people is embarrassing, and should be ashamed, but the Israelis should be proud.....not ashamed, atrocities were done by both on each other, and others in the region were also involved.

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