
Do Israelis have a sense of humour?

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I tried posting a comment on Al Jazeera saying the nuclear destruction of Israel doesn't matter to anyone other than the US and I can live my life without trying a dragon fruit.

I then got a microsoft error message stopping my comment from being posted, coincidence?




  1. NO. Would you if you was always thicking poeple wanted to kill you.

  2. Do israeli's even troll the Al Jazeera Board.

  3. Dude - if the phone rings and the Caller ID says Mussad - dont answer it.

    Other then that, you are the reason I am trying to advance a constitutional amendment barring stupid people from being citizens, residents or even having access into the US.

    This post is just another point proving Darwin was not correct.

  4. Hmm, so you're a little paranoid. Yeah, I think Israelis have a sense of humor, but they're a little sensitive about that whole "being bombed into oblivion" thing since it's sort of a constant threat.

  5. The only coincidence is - is that you are a quite nasty piece of work judging by some of your previous questions, and you should stop coming on here with your negative and useless questions !!.

  6. No. I think you should watch out for now on man!

  7. DHS should be knocking on your door any moment now so drink the Draino before they get you.

  8. When the twin towers went down they laughed a lot.

  9. Your insensitivity defies description.

    A comment like that should be deleted without a second thought, by any decent person, whether he is Jewish or anything else.

    I hope that Microsoft personnel are decent human beings.

  10. Anti semitism isnt dead with morons like you around.If somebody gave you another brain it would be the only one you had that worked

  11. Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories

    Israel: Stop Forcing Civilians to Assist Military Operations

    Investigate and Prosecute Those Responsible for Using Civilians as Shields

    The Israeli army should immediately cease deliberately endangering Palestinian civilians by forcing them to assist military operations, Human Rights Watch said today. During recent military operations in the Old City of Nablus, Israeli soldiers forced at least three Palestinians at gun point, two of them children, to assist in searching apartments for suspects. International humanitarian law prohibits a party to a conflict from using the civilian population or individual civilians in order to attempt to shield military operations

  12. Yes, everyone has a sense of humor.  Your comment though is highly offensive and I doubt many people would find it funny.

  13. Mossad. Be very afraid.

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