
Do Italians in general expect you to pay?

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I've been in Rome for around 1 week. I have been asked to go out but don't really have the money. Back in the states I wasn't on that big of a budget, so whenever I would go out on a date I would always offer to help pay. Will he think I'm awful for not offering?

Sorry, silly question but it is something I was wondering about. Thanks.




  1. i dont know my boyfriend is italian and he has a problem with it whenever i try to pay he always insists that he pay

  2. I have two friends from Italy.  Now, they seem to always want to pay. Now, this could just be because they are generous. But it seems the culture is much the same in terms of going Dutch or Italian.

  3. Generally, if a guy asks you out on a date, it is expected that he pay for everything. You should not  offer yourself to help pay. If you accept going out on the date, then just go and have fun. But if you are the one inviting out, be prepared to pay for it all.

  4. You don't speficy exactly what kind of invitation it is. If it's a guy who likes you and is inviting you out, you can be absolutely sure he will pay for the evening. However, if he is just a friend who you've hung out with before, he would probably be expecting to split the bill.

    I will add though that Italian men usually offer to pay the bill in any case, especially if he is choosing where to go.

  5. Hi! I'm Italian: My friends usually pay for girls if they ask them to go out... But  if you go out with a friend (only for friendship) they don't offer..


  6. I lived in Italy for two years and didn't pay for a thing when I was with a man, whether it was a date or just a friendly thing.  I ALWAYS offered and I was always prepared to pay, but Italian men usually pay for women (especially foreign women!).  

    Here's something that works in any country:  Ask around to find the name of a popular bar/restaurant/whatever that is cheap but nice.  When someone invites you out, suggest that place and say you've been dying to try it because you heard it's really good.  Then, you can suss out your "date" to see if he's the paying type or not without accidentally blowing EUR 100 at a Michelin-starred restaurant or super-posh disco.  If your "date" does pay, next time you can go wherever they suggest.

  7. When they ask you out, just say you have no money.  If they offer to pay, then great for you.  If not, then they don't.  But at least you won't be in an awkward situation.

  8. i'm italian, i would never expect anyone i went out on a date to pay anything... anyway i'm from the north, probably on the south they have different attitudes.

    i think you should go, altogether there's no italian who would lose a date in change of a bit of money!

  9. when he asks say, you'd love to go out but you have little money to pay for the dinner, and then you've offered, if he's wanting you to pay he'll say "we wont go" if he wants to pay for you he say "never mind, I pay" (except in italian)

  10. Im not sure....but Italians are a little bit pushy, you might even be asked to marry.

    When my mother went to Italy some father asked her to marry his son lol. Sorry that isnt really an asnwer to your question.

  11. When being asked to go out, just say "I don't know. I'm kind of like short on money at this time." If he says "Don't worry about that", you have nothing to worry about. If he says "See ya!", then you wouldn't want to go out with such a jerk in a first place.

  12. on a date.. it depends on the guy. he might pay, or you could just share equally. or maybe if its gonna last you could offer next time...

    usually if he asked you out he would pay, but you never know!

    take your money with you anyways... there is a saying in italy "pagare alla romana" meaning that you divide the bill and everybody pays....

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