
Do JW's have the power to write your name in the Book of Life in heaven?

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I think they said it was Jehovah Witnesses, but anyway, somebody said that if they write your name in their book, then your name is written in the book of life in heaven, and likewise, if they erase you, you'll be erased from the book of life. Is this true?

And what's the difference between that and Catholics saying they can prove who is in heaven and who isn't with the process of sainthood?




  1. no JW don't write it down Jehovah does.If you decided to stop living the way he wants us to he can erase it.

  2. We don't write anything in the book of life.  Jehovah is the only one who has the right to do this and he will only if we are faithful and loyal.

    Catholics can say anything they want to, but that doesn't make it true.  

  3. Oh my no.  At least I hope they don't think that.

  4. No.

    Jehovah's Witness = False Religion

    Catholic Religion = False Religion

    If you are saved by Jesus Christ then your name is written in the "Book of Life".

    Salvation is not found in any religion, but only through one person "Jesus Christ"


  5. Jehovah's Witnesses make no such claim.

    The only time a JW writes your name in any book is when they are taking down notes in the preaching work. e.g

    Mr. Abel Brown- accepted a Bible study, next visit Wednesday 3pm


    Mr. Abel Brown- said he does not want to be visited anymore

  6. Only you have the power to get your name written in the book of life .

    I think you are getting the Jehovah's Witnesses mixed up with the Mormons.

  7. There is only one Book of Life and only one who can add and take away from the Book of Life and that one is GOD.

    Catholics, like other denominations, say a lot of things that are not scriptural.

  8. Former J.W. here and no, it is not Jehovah's Witnesses who make this claim.  I think you may be confusing them with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), otherwise known as Mormons.

    I'm going to check out my reference material and get back to you. As others have pointed out, only God can put our names into the Book of Life. No mere mortal or religious organisation can do anything to influence what God has already decided.

    LDS put great store by genealogy and tracing your ancestry so they can record your family details. They also practice baptism for the dead because they believe God wants everyone to be saved and they think if they perform baptism for dead people they will get a change in the next life to be saved.

  9. that's not a sainthood. A sainthood is a person who performs two miracles from the realms of death.

  10. Is just as you are saying: "I think they...", and "but anyway, somebody said that..." Can you see now?

    We are preaching the good news of the kingdom for all the earh with the method Jesus said: going to the houses. (Matthew 10:11-14; 24:14)

    Frecuently, our opposers invent many bad things about us. What moves them? You have to find it, if it concern you.

    We believe the Holy Scripture is the Word of God, and is what the Bible says what we teach.

    Would you welcome a visit?

  11. Anybody can say anything - but get real - only GOD can write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life, which is referred to in scripture and that is done ONLY as you become HIS.  No mortal can do that or erase that.  And no one can prove who is anywhere in the next life or their saintly or unsaintly place.  Again - let's leave the jobs that belong to God in HIS merciful perfect hands, shall we?

  12. Only God Jehovah can.  Matthew 24:13  But he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.

  13. Only Jehovah God has the "Book of Life"..he write and erases your name....not Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The saint thing is Catholics can make you a saint...Only Jehovah chooses who goes to Heaven and who doesn't.

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