
Do Jehovah's Witnesses also witness for Jesus? (Acts 1:8)?

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Why then "Jehovah's Witnesses" rather than "Jesus' Witnesses"?




  1. Jesus also witnessed for Jehovah...He is also considered Jehovah's foremost witness.

    He said he came to tell everyone about his father.

  2. “YOU will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) With those parting words, Jesus commissioned his disciples to be witnesses. But witnesses of whom? “Witnesses of me,” said Jesus. Do these words mean that they were not to be witnesses of Jehovah? Far from it!

    Actually, Jesus’ disciples were given an unprecedented privilege—that of being witnesses of both Jehovah and Jesus. As faithful Jews, Jesus’ early disciples were already witnesses of Jehovah. (Isa. 43:10-12) But now they were to witness also concerning Jesus’ vital role in sanctifying Jehovah’s name by means of His Messianic Kingdom. Their thus bearing witness to Jesus was with Jehovah’s glory in view. (Rom. 16:25-27; Phil. 2:9-11) They testified that Jehovah had not lied, that after more than 4,000 years he had at last raised up the long-promised Messiah, or Christ!

    Christian witnesses of Jehovah in the first century were also given a unique responsibility—one that rests upon genuine Christians to this day.

  3. imo no.........cant say more

  4. ~

    Why then "Jehovah's Witnesses" rather than "Jesus' Witnesses"?

    Because Jesus also witnessed for Jehovah...

    (Revelation 3:14) . . .“And to the angel of the congregation in La‧o‧di‧ce′a write: These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God.

  5. Who do you think Jesus witness for?  True Christ followers witness for Jehovah just as Jesus commanded all us.

  6. Eh, let me think.  Are not both the same God.  Jehovah is Jesus and Jesus is Jehovah.  But the Jesus part is because he was on earth and the JW's tend to forget that delicate part.  You gotta have the WHOLE package or none at all.  Gotta listen to Jesus.  

  7. Jesus is the First Witness of Jehovah.

    Any follower of Jesus is a Witness of Jehovah too.

    Anyone telling others about Jesus and the reason he came, will by default have to tell them about the God who sent Jesus in the first place. (John 3:16)

  8. You could have just googled this one..


  9. the name, I believe is because Jesus is the son of G-d, not


    Yes, Jesus is a ginormous part of their religion -- they just don't commit idolatry by worshipping him as G-d

  10. Good question. I don't understand there name either. People whitnessed jesus, but not god.

  11. I think about that question allot !

    It is a question that we should all ask.

    I resolved that I MUST witness Jesus !

    Great Question, Honestly !

  12. Because they believe they are promoting God's Word and God and Jesus are 2 separate entities, one being God, the other being the Son of God.

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