
Do Jews believe that non-religious people go to h**l? ?

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The Jewish faith certainly seems a lot less bloodthirsty and cruel than the Christian faith.




  1. Im not a Jew, but religious people will end up in h**l too! Only those that trust Christ for their salvation.

  2. We don't have a h**l. That place is reserved for demons only. Humans who do not believe or come to God, will go into a place, sorta like Limbo. There is no torture, no death, no evil. It's just a "wandering" without God.

  3. No, we don't believe in 'h**l'. Judaism says that the righteous of all faiths 'will have a share in the world to come'.

    In Judaism, nobody is expected to be 'perfect'. Only G-d can achieve perfection. All we humans have to do us try our best, learn from our mistakes, and treat other people with respect and integrity and compassion.

    Ideally, Jews are meant to uphold G-d's laws, as conveyed in the Torah. Non Jews are not obliged to do this, Judaism just suggests they adhere to the seven Noahide Laws (

    But we don't believe in 'h**l' or that anyone gets 'punished', no.

  4. h**l is a Christian addition to the book religions.  

  5. Jews don't believe in h**l.

    That is a Christian invention.

  6. No.  We believe that all righteous people (those who are good and in particular, those who DO good, since we treasure good works) have a place in the world to come.

    Also, we do not believe in h**l as Christians do; our 'h**l' is generally thought of as "sheol", which means the afterlife.

    B'shalom (in peace)

  7. Isn't it amazing that the Christian belief claims to be founded upon the the Jewish God, but Jews were never taught eternal torture for man. I am not Jewish, but I also do not believe in eternal torment.  Why would God's word teach us to love our enemies and to do good to those who do us wrong, and then "do as I say, not as I do"?  The word also teaches, with the SAME measure that you give (good or bad) it will be returned to you again.  ETERNAL torment doesn't fall into this teaching either, since no man has sinned ETERNALLY.

    Personally, I believe God's fire will cleanse us all from all unrighteousness, and that isn't something to fear.

  8. jews dont have a concept of h**l and they believe anyone can get to their version of heaven by being a good person

  9. Jews don't believe in h**l.

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