
Do Jon & Kate Kids Look Down Syndrome? (pic)?

by Guest66013  |  earlier

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They look down syndrome to me. they have those almond shaped eyes....




  1. oh my god,almond shaped eyes do not make downs children,how could you say such a thing

  2. They do not look like the have Down's Syndrome! You must never have seen someone who actually has it if you think they do. And like the other poster's said they are part Korean which causes their eyes to be shaped like that.  

  3. They do look odd but that is because they have been squished together in one womb. As they grow older they will look differently.

  4. Latrice Hope, did you even stop to think. These kids all 8 of them come from a oriental background. Jon is part Korean.

    I think it was rather rude of you to assume that these beautiful children have Down Syndrome.

  5. No  they dont look they have down syndrome. Remember Jon's Mom is Korean!

  6. Thats right Amberhun, My son is absolutely beautiful too. And it sounds like a lot of these answerer's haven't seen children with DS before either because it is surprising how hard it is to tell most of the time :o)

  7. no it's just the heritage

  8. not at all. do you know what a down syndrome person looks like?  

  9. all of you that is Down syndrome - not Down's syndrome.

    and secondly, the person that answered "it is rude to assume these beautiful children have Down syndrome" - what?? kids with Down syndrome aren't beautiful?  they can't be??  how dare you!!  my 2 year old has DS, and she is amazingly beautiful!!!

  10. yes probably

  11. to amberhun,  I agree with you completely, that person has no clue.

  12. None of them have been revealed to have Down's. So what if one or more were? If you saw the show recently, Jon said he was half French and half Korean. The Asian gene is dominant, that is why they all have those beautiful almond eyes.  

  13. of cause not, it's just the way the tv show per treys them and the way that bitoch Kate makes them act. she is a freeloader and begger . I watched that show for a few mins a few times but i tell you i can't watch it in whole because they are using their own kids to get all this stuff. its sick and no wonder the people who live near them hates them! lol wtf was it in this past show i was flipping the channles and saw her making her husband get a hair transplant?  um if you love someone then you should not ask them to make themselfs look better! this lady is nasty and imo could loose about 25 pounds and needs to get a real job

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