
Do LCD Tvs give off as much heat as Plasma Tvs?

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We have a 48in Plasma tv and it seems to give off a lot of heat. With it in the room, two computers and the sun facing the window in the evening time it gets really hot in here. We covered the window and stay off the desktops and use laptops in another room, but I was wondering if we got an LCD Tv if it would give off as much heat? Or if there's anything we can get for the Plasma Tv to keep it cool? Right now we have a floor fan on it and another floor fan in the room and a ceiling fan and even with the AC on 72F it still gets hot in this room. It's already hitting 98F outside and I can't imagine what it's going to be in August when I have my baby but I would not like to have all these floor fans going on in the room with the baby so is there anything anyone can suggest? Sorry this was so long...




  1. Plasmas use about 50% more power than LCDs-so yes, they give off more heat.

    Putting fans on the plasma will cool it and extend it's life, but whether you do or don't, all of that heat winds up in the room unless you use an exhaust fan to get the heat out of the room.

    Fans don't cool things like air conditioners, they just move the heat around.

    If you turn down the brightness, there would be some improvement, and yes, an LCD would run cooler, but from your description, I suspect that unless you put an exhaust fan in, things will still get uncomfortable.

    You should look into the new LED rear projection TVs. They use far less power.

  2. i have an LCD TV in my room and a Plasma in my living room. the living room doesnt get as hot as my room but because it is in an open space.

    try having your bedroom door open so the heat can spread out throughout your entire house instead of just your bedroom.

    i have also turned down the brightness and the back light of the LCD so that it doesnt give off as much heat.

    hope this helps

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