
Do Leftists realize that dragging Bristol Palin through he mud will backfire?

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An American for Truth

You do realize those are Photoshopped, right?




  1. Let's hope not.  By the way, that is not Sarah Palin in that picture. Check your facts.

  2. I don't think the issue is about Bristol.. It's supposed to be about Sarah being adamittely against premarital s*x, and supportive of abstinence programs while degrading "safe s*x" programs.. When her own child gets knocked up @ 17 before marriage.. It says something..

  3. The issue isn't Bristol, but Gov.Palin's hypocrisy. Speaking of which, the McCain campaign said the children are off-limits, but have paraded Bristol and her fiance around every chance they get, even in greeting Sen.McCain at the airport. It gives the impression, rightly or wrongly, that the children are only off-limits unless the Republicans can use them.  

  4. Yes, but it will be so much fun.....

  5. The libs are really playing the nasty card. They are talking non-stop about Palin's daughter, AND they published a bunch of her personal info. SSN, home phone number, the works. Then say that it's all ok that they did that because the first amendment protects them. If the American people vote for a candidate like that, I really don't know what this country has come to.


  7. Does Sarah Palin realize posing for naked pictures will backfire?

  8. It already has backfired, and now they are desperate. Because tonight a star was born, and the Dem's. are in real trouble. What goes around comes around, and carma is most defiantly a WOMAN. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  9. They don't care if it will backfire...  They will attempt to destroy anyone and anything that they perceive stand in their way to power...

    Down with the Obamanation...  Send him back to Chicago, not Washington.

  10. Leftists don't know and they don't care. Leftists are ruthless in their pursuit of the socialist/communist agenda.  

    They will lie, cheat and kill to achieve their goals.

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