
Do Libra and pisces siblings get on?

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do they??

ta x




  1. Very different people Libra and Pisces. They can learn to get along I woud think.

  2. Although I do not have a pisces sibling [ which is amazingly weird because I have 6 other brothers/sister ], I do have a pisces best friend for life. And I am a libra. If you look up " love-hate relationship " in the dictonary you'll see me arguing my point with him. We do argue often over almost everything, but when the times are good, they're GREAT. We have so much fun together and so many laughs together ... when he's not acting all sad and depressed. The thing that bothers me most is he's soo secritive ! It annoys me soo much when he's mad and im like " what's wrong " and he says " I don't want to talk about it." ! Ughh ! But ... I've learn to accept that with all the good, fun stuff we do / have done. So if you and your brother/ sister is like us, then you'll have very very fun, good times, but you'll also have very argumentative, annoyed, not talking times. Hope I helped =)

  3. shutt upp trick!

    who really thinks horoscopes are real


  5. Im a Picese and argue with my brother(libra) all the time, I love him but sometimes want to rip his d**n head off.

  6. ummmm who cares?

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