
Do Marines look down on people in the Reserves?

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I joined the Marine Reserves and I leave for boot camp in October. My question is do Reservists have the respect of Active Duty Marines?




  1. I joined the Marines acouple months ago, and go to boot camp in october, I joined the Active Reserves to be able to go to boot camp sooner and possibly get a degree. I don't want to go straight in as an officer, becuase from what i've heard they really don't get the deep down respect. Active Reserves have to work one time a month, but they also have the opportunity to work more if they would like. Marines are Marines. After one year reserves i will go fully active. so I don't see what the big deal is about.

  2. As a veteran USMC reservist I can tell you that it all depends on how you conduct yourself and how your unit maintains readiness and discipline.  There is going to be some rivalry and name calling back and fourth, but it's generally all in a days work.  As long as you are squared away and your unit as a whole is squared away then everyone is regarded as equals.  Of course that depends on the environment also.  If you are back in garrison, the active guys hate reservists.  But if you get called up and are deployed with them, then it's all the same.  Marines generally do not tolerate turds of any kind, so as long as you take being a Marine seriously and are good to go, you'll be fine.  Turds belong in the Army and Air Force, not the Marines.  Sailors get an alibi because they take care of us when we get hurt or sick.  That doesn't mean we like them, it just means we let them slide.

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