
Do McCain supporters feel the adoration people feel for Obama?

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I'm just not seeing that they do. Watching the DNC, I was struck by the way the crowd displayed genuine love and affection for Obama, and that's been consistent through his campaign so far. Why the marked difference between the parties' reactions to their candidates?




  1. That's because the RNC hasn't aired yet.  Duh.  When that starts on September 1st, you will see just as much love and adoration for the next President of the United States as you did for the junior senator blowhard.

  2. Yes, but not as loud.  Most Republicans are a little bit older, since they are smart enough to see all that they have worked for, and don't want people taking it away.  Naturally, older people are going to be not as enthusiastic acting, because they are more respectful.  And look at who is voting for Obama.  The majority of black people are voting for him, and black people are usually very loud and over exaggerated.

  3. Most don't... just don't want to lose the election.

  4. Republicans tend to be more reserved than Democrats. It's not a matter of age, there are actually more Democrats over 50 than Republicans. Plus, charismatic Obama is just easier to love than McCain.  

  5. We do now. We love Palin haven't you been watching the news?

    Obama was a product with a carefully crafted and marketed image.

  6. I guess all the people who adore him wont salute the flag of the United States either ? I dont blame him, he is Saudi Arabian. In Allah we trust? no thanks. troll on.

  7. Are you kiddin me? Hillary,Bill and Biden blew Obama out of the water!

    And yes listening to McCain, Palin,Hillary, Bill and Biden make me feel proud to be an American!

    Obama has ticked me off with his Anti-American attachments.. and I feel distrust when I hear him talk, he is not being totally honest with people.

  8. We, McCain supporters, see him as a serious political figure. Obama's "fans" see him as a celebrity. Like a teenager sees Hanna Montana or the Jonas Brothers, they do adore them because they're obsessed. I don't adore McCain, I have hope in him.

  9. Because we're all stubborn, myself included.  

  10. No, but put a woman in the picture and look at them

  11. No adoration, just satisfaction that there is a candidate that is competent and willing to do what is necessary.  Remember Hitler had blind adoration, too.  

  12. By and large, republicans do not invest their heart and soul into a candidate- politics is not a religion or way of life to us. McCain will have supporters because next to Obama he looks awesome even though most of us would prefer someone else.

    Obama has lemmings NOT supporters- they are the type of people that get led to a big field and drink poison

  13.   Adoration ?  No.    Intense and deep respect?  Yes.

  14. We don't faint we beeees all growed up.

  15. We are more logical and less emotional.  

  16. I do now that he has chosen Palin for his VP.

  17. This is not a rock concert for American Idol  We know who we adore (our husbands and wives) and we know who can lead this country.  John McCain!

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