
Do Mexicans suffer from flatulance? Their food would suggest they do, but do they develop a tolerance?

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Do Mexicans suffer from flatulance? Their food would suggest they do, but do they develop a tolerance?




  1. haha i'm pretty sure that they're stomachs and intestines are more used to that type of food. my family is hispanic and we eat beans and spicy foods all the time..and none of us suffer from flatulance. :)

  2. Well not only flatulance,but diabetes and cancer too. We're not called,"Greasers" for nothing. Look at our diet. That's why  most of us  don't eat  red or green chiles,because what goes in must come out,lol.

  3. Yes people do develop a tolerance. I grew up eating Mexican food and I don't suffer from flatulence when I eat beans.  I also used to eat cabbage soup all the time when I was a child, I don't get gas from cabbage either.

  4. People learn to digest and integrate cultural foods in their diet.

    What gives us problems is normal and natural to them.

  5. Why would you assume they suffer.  Perhaps they enjoy flatulance.  I do.

  6. aye carumba ma a*s she is a burning

  7. NO, i am not an anglo wimp

  8. Don't think there is any race that can avoid flatulance so of course they do.

  9. What's that smell coming out of your avatar?

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