
Do Milankovic Cycles relate to the procession of equinoxes in regards to the mayan calender?

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The mayans considered procession and the orbit of venus to be central to time cycles. Consider that on June 6? 2004 there was a transit of venus. This is close the summer solstice...max tilt north pole... On Dec 26 of the Indian ocean tsunami occured..near winter solstice (max tilt s. pole)

What gravitational effects does venus have on earth. Next transit June 2012. Do transits change the angle of earths tilt? Can a transit pull the earth slightly closer to the sun? THANKS




  1. Venus passes between Earth and Sun every 19 months, but doesn't usually transit across the face of the Sun. The gravitational pull of Venus is dependent on its distance, not whether it happens to cross the face of the Sun. This gravitational pull, in any case, is far too weak to alter the tilt of the Earth's axis.

  2. You're reaching way too hard...

  3. These are things that are best not known by humans. It is just timing mechanisms for spiritually appointed times. For instance, 2012 is the revealing of the antichrist at the midpoint of the 7 year period that Jews and Christians call the Tribulation.

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