
Do Mom's usually get custody of kids?

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Do Mom's always get custody of their kids? If a judge grants joint custody does that mean that my son will have to spend one week with me one week with him? I wouldn't want my son to have to go through that. Do Mom's usually get the kids during the week and they go to Dad's on the weekends? What if I work all week - do I get him every other weekend?




  1. Not always, its who appears to the judge to be the more "fit" parent

  2. Depending on the age of your child you may get custoday....and also your financial capacity may come in it is alot of staff they take in consideration.

  3. It depends on how big of a fight the parents put out with in court. And some courts do favor the mothers more, while others, favor the father. ( I have had both sorts of judges).

    With my younger 2, they had like 4 years before school was even to begin, so we had to let the boys live at my place for 2 months, and then his place for 2 months, until school started.   The courts will try their best to set up visits as best as possible to fit both parents life styles as they can and be best for the kids.  

    If your not wanting the hassle of working and child care alne, then don't fight for as much custody.  You'd get them every weekend then or every other weekend.

  4. possible

  5. It all depends on the parents and the situation. It may be every other week, or it may be something different. It depends on the age of the kids, the distance they have to travel, and work schedules... If the two of you can figure out what would be best for the kids, without the courts involvement, you can make the agreement any way you want (if you can agree), if you don't agree, then the judge will figure it out.

  6. We have joint custody of my son who is now 11 and it works perfectly.  Yes...we split the days evenly.  We don't do a whole week at a time though.  We do every couple of days or so.  I am blessed to have an ex-husband who is willing to work with me (instead of against me) in raising our son.  He is happy and healthy.  I'd suggest being flexible with your ex-husband if you can.  I'd also highly suggest trying to maintain a good relationship with him for the benefit of your children.  It's not always easy but put them first.  Which I'm sure you're doing.  I'm just stressing that a good relationship with the ex is invaluable to me.

  7. No my ex son in law has custody of my granddaughter My daughter is a great  parent but it just works out this way better  They work out custody great They do everything to benefitt there daughter Even buying houses  2 miles from each other  Both are happily  remarried

  8. you need to discuss this with your lawyer. every case is different.  

  9. Yes.  Provided there is no history of drugs or violence.

  10. it would be split custody to spend time like that...In the county I live in they have found that it is harder on kids to have split custody....I have joint custody and it is no different then the usual, every other weekend...I work at an attorneys office and just this year we have had 2 men clients win custody and 1 women clients lose custody...Anything is possible...They really have to prove the mom unfit to lose their kids....Just have a good attorney

  11. usually, yes.  there is more joint custody these days, however.

  12. No, mom's don't automatically get full custody anymore, but every state and every court is different. In order to get full, as opposed to joint custody, you have to prove that he is unfit. Unfortunately, just being an a***e doesn't make him unfit.

    Depending on the age of your kids, both of your fitness, and what you seek, the judge will decide. I recently read that mothers that seek full custody sometimes lose just because they are in essence trying to keep the kids from their father.

    My ex and I have joint custody. The kids spend monday and tuesday nights with me, wednesday and thursday nights with dad and then they alternate weekends. A weekend for us is friday night through monday morning. It was confusing at first, but it works out exactly 50/50 and the kids are doing great. We have been divorced 4 years and the kids are 13 and 9 now. If they were babies it would be harder.

  13. in most states they grant the mother custody of the kids unless the father can prove you as an unfit mother. if its joint youll get the kid during the week and most likely h**l get the kid every other weekend to every weekend or more often if you grant the time. and as far as you working as long as you can prove that you have adequate day care or babysitter that shouldnt be a problem

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