
Do Muslims and Christians think each other are going to h**l? What if they're both right?

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Do Muslims and Christians think each other are going to h**l? What if they're both right?




  1. Only God Almighty knows  

  2. Well Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God whereas Muslim strongly disagree with that.Well both can never be right.Cos Jesus is not the son of God.Jesus was born to virgin Mary in order to show mankind the power He has and the miracles He can perform.But nobody knows but Allah who goes to heaven or h**l.

  3. You show, by the question stated, that you are NOT a student of logic.  

    Either they are Both wrong, OR, one is right.

    Two contradictories cannot both be meshed together to say the same thing.

  4. Christians seem to think of God as being three things. Their Jesus, a godhead (whatever this is) and a holy spirit. They limit God's powers. Yes, they are sinning ( a very big offense in Islam) so they might have to spend some time in h**l.

    However i believe many of them can get into Heaven but i doubt its your average Christian.

  5. Muslims and Christians who do think this probably are going to h**l, or wherever you go if you don't get to heaven. Heaven is reserved for people who love their neighbours as themselves.

  6. That would be a h**l of a thing.

  7. Those who love God will enjoy the afterlife together whether they be Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist or any subset of these.  There is only one God and we are all hie dearly loved children.

  8. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no-one comes to the Father except by me."  

    There are NOT 'many roads (religions) that lead to God'. Jesus is the one who came to live in human form and died as a sacrifice for us. No-one from any other religion has every done that.

    Jesus rose from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. No-one from any other religion has ever done that.

    Jesus ascended into Heaven, seen by some of his own. No-one from any other religion has ever done that.

    Jesus is the only one through whom we should pray to God, we have no other mediator, not Mary, Mohamed, Buddha or any other person. These were people who are now dead and are awaiting the judgement just like everyone else who has died.

    Jesus sits at the right hand of God interceding for us because He has Saved Us (from the penalty for sin, which is h**l).

  9. Exactly...either all the religions are right or none of them are. Either all the thousands of proposed gods exist or none do...the answer is pretty obvious. They're all wrong.

  10. There is no such thing as heaven or h**l. It's made up.

  11. I am a Christian and do not think one way or another. I am not God and do not have the authority to condemn anyone to h**l. That means not just physically, but also by words or thoughts. I do my best to adhere to the principle, " Judge not yet ye be judged."      +?+

  12. I am a Muslim and I believe that anyone can go to heaven. Whether Muslim, Christian or Jew etc they all have a speacial place in heaven depending on their souls.

  13. only 1 answer for this 1 Jesus, not arm leg leg arm head (allah) cause he aint god noway. he claims he doesnt have any sons (so where's Jesus?) AND he says he doesnt have children so you cant call allah father either...bc God is my father and Jesus is my Lord and Savior....(if not spiritual you wont understand)

  14. As a muslim whoever is or is not going to h**l i make no assumptions ever that I have any knowledge of Gods judgments.

    He is the one who chooses who enters Heaven not a muslim, not a catholic, not a christian, not a Buddhist no one but God.

  15. I don't think either are going to h**l if they are good people. I think if you live your life being the best person you can then your on your way to Heaven. I think life is a learning process, reincarnation gives you a second chance and Religion is not important.  

  16. Yes. We believe that you get to be with God in eternity only through Jesus who is God.

  17. Thank GOD  it is not up to human beings .  

  18. Well how do you know much about that?God makes decisions.(I'm a muslim.)We're humans,we don't know a lot of things like God do.Maybe this info works:)

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