
Do Muslims believe in free will?

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Or do you believe that Allah has written out every humans life plan for them? I've been told it is the latter, but then does that mean that those people who never become Muslims, that this was Allah's plan for them all along?

What do you think?




  1. Hahaha @ faraz!!


    Not to worry I sent you an email reply to that It doesnt cost anything LOL ;p

  2. We believe that we have limited free will but under the authority of Allah's will.

  3. Every Human has free will.

    To become Muslim means submitting your will to Allah(Swt)

    He knows what was, is, and will be.

    However everyone still gets the gift of choice.  

  4. Allah gave all humans free will. I don't think everything is written out for everybody, just that Allah knows what will happen to everyone - which is not the same thing.

  5. we all have free will

    its just that allah (swt) knows what we are going to do since he knows everything

  6. Allah (swt) provided us with brain and free will to know the right from the wrong and according to our deeds and actions in this life we will be rewarded in heaven or punished in h**l !!

    its indeed that the person's future has been written already but it can be changed through righteousness

    hope this answers ur Q !

  7. Qismat - Destination... "Created according to a measure."

    Everyone has their own blue-print: birth in a particular family, in a particular country, etc... all these are in the blue print of our distiny.

    But we have been given certain latitude to exercise our intellectual freedom and will power.

    As for instance, distinguishing good from bad, and choosing good or bad, doing good or bad things, etc...

    Here we are exercising our own power for good or evil and have a free hand in its choice.

    And we are rewarded to that extent.

  8. No, every human has free will. Yeah, Allah knows what is going to happen - but that's because He is Allah.

    So to answer your questions, yes, Muslims believe in free will 100%.

  9. yes

    Allah says in Sura Fatiha.

    Quran 1:4] Master of the Day of Judgment.

    Till Day of Judgment we have free will.

  10. Dear

    We are in under test in this life from Allahu Ta'ala, while it has been told what is right and what is wrong through Islamic Teachings Holy Quran, hadeeth and Sunnah.

    We are writing our Final Examination Paper in our life and the Examiner Allah is watching you, while you are writing it by your free will.

    Well, Allah Knows already which one passes in Exam and which one fails, but the evaluation is based only on your Deeds in life, which is your Answer Paper.

    Let us have Trust in Allah and worship Him alone, He is the Most Gracious and Most Forgiving. No one shall enter Jannah merely by their Deeds, but only by Allah's Mercy and His Mercy has overtaken His Wrath, Subhanallah.


  11. Sure they do, as long as it is allah's will.

  12. i'm sunni god abu bakr

  13. i don't know about it

  14. Allah knows what we are going to do and what we are not going to do, and he knows what will happen to us. However, we have free will, we have the choice of picking right from wrong, so we are responsible for whatever we do, whether its bad or good. The people who know about islam and do not accept it and reject it is by their will, becuase they have the choice to accept it but they dont, but Allah already knew that they were going to do that. Aside from this, everything happens by Allah's will, but we have the choice to do everything. Everything has already been written, and the proof of this is that we cannot turn back time and redo something or change something, but we have the choice to choose from right and wrong, and we take responsibility from our own actions.

  15. Yes We Do !!

  16. Well, from the earlier days of islam, there are two main groups.

    One beliefs in it, the other says everything happens without our will.  

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