
Do Muslims believe that everything happens for a reason?

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Do Muslims believe that everything happens for a reason?




  1. everything happen with reason(s) only Allah s.w.t. knows. however with some knowledge that Allah gives us we can sometime understand something better than the rest.  

  2. Yes of course, everything happens for a reason. Not only muslims, but common sense says too. You obviously wrote this question for a reason, havent u? And the reason is to know whether or not Muslims believe that everyhing happens for a reason.

    To everything in Universe there is a Cause and Effect relationship. Without a reason, cause doesn't take place, and without a cause there is no effect.

    Therefore every single thing on Earth that u see through your eyes that Allah created is there for a reason, from a tiny bee to a gigantic mountain.

    Hope i helped there ;)

  3. common sense tells us everthing happens for some reason or another.

  4. Please answer;...

  5. This is a very tricky issue when you add in fact that we have "free will".  Divine decree as we call it in Islam is essentially the fact that nothing can happen without the will of Allah.  That being said we have been, by the will of Allah, given the right to "free will".  Hence one can choose whether to follow the commands of Allah or not, etc.  Allah knows exactly what we will do though, by his complete knowledge of everything!  Therefor anything that happens is by the will of Allah.  And Allah knows best!

  6. yes

  7. To "fatiime".  Perhaps Muhammad's sons all died because in all practicality if he had had a male descendent people would have thought he was a prophet, too.  It would have been worse than the situaltion we have with Ali.

    I think things often happen for a reason.

  8. i dnt kn0 abt others but i believe Everything happens for a reason!!

    peace ☮

  9. yes muslims believe everything happens for a reason and there is a purpose in it.. it could be God is trying to test our faith!!

  10. Do u like long boring explanations?

  11. Yes.

  12. We believe in the ultimate wisdom and power of Allah. Since Allah is ever knowing then everything happens for a reason.

    It is a comforting truth to me. When I question a happenstance which as a human being I may do on occasion, I can relax when I go back to the fact that Allah is always in charge.

    For me, its like when I was a kid and got lost in a crowd and then I felt a warm safe hand grasp mine. It was my mom. Immediately I felt safe and on the right path. Allah does that for me. When ever I get lost, Allah grabs my hand (so to speak,) and once more I feel safe and on the right path. Okay I got a little to my own thoughts here.

  13. Yeah probably..

  14. Yes, I believe everything happens for a reason.  We may not understand or know the reason, but Allah knows everything!  Often times, we may not like something that happens in our own life, and then see later that it was the best thing for us, subhanAllah.

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