
Do NFL owners really deserve an extra billion dollars? - Part 3

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Do NFL owners really deserve an extra billion dollars? - Part 3
This is the third part of a series of articles discussing whether or not owners of NFL teams deserve the extra one billion dollars that they are asking for, saying that they are unable to cover the costs of owning and maintaining a professional football
team with the one billion dollars that they are already receiving from the league.
They say that they are not making any money, but instead going at a loss. But if you really were losing money and needed an extra billion dollars to start making money, wouldn’t you at least prove it? The owners are less revealing about their accounts books
than The Colonel is with his Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe.
In the history of the United States, I think that the NFL owners are probably the most shameful and greediest. No other sport has ever shown this much love, popularity or money to their owners as football does. If their greediness causes a lockout for the
2011 season, fans should lock themselves out of the 2012 season. Instead of watching the game on Sunday, go out and play yourself. Instead of playing Madden video games, try some other sport. When buying clothes, sportswear and other items, purchase any brand
except for the one that the NFL advertises. No matter what you do, make sure that the owners pay, and pay heavily, for the pain and anguish they would cause the American people with a lockout.
Because when it all comes down to it, the owners don’t need the money that they think they do. Stan Kroenke, one of the less famous, but still one of the diamond-plated knuckleheaded owners of the St. Louis Rams, is married to Ann Walton Kroenke. She is
an heir to the Wal-Mart fortune and is estimated to have a net worth of about $3.2 billion. Stan Kroenke himself is a part owner of Arsenal F.C. and the Colorado Crush while also a majority owner of the Rams, Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche, Colorado Mammoth
and Colorado Rapids. He is estimated to be worth about $2.9 billion.
What I can’t understand about the Kroenkes’ is that they are willing to pour their own money down a rat-hole, but have to ask the NFL for an extra billion to increase their revenue. If they really wanted to build a new stadium or make another big investment,
couldn’t they put aside about six months pay? And if just Stan Kroenke put aside six months pay, he could build a better stadium than the $1.3 billion Cowboys Stadium with a $1.5 billion stadium for the Rams. This would also help out in the long run because
it would be an ideal location to hold a future Super Bowl. The guy can just ask for a loan from his wife! I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t say no.
But no, these guys don’t care about smart ideas. This is the same guy that owns three vineyards, four ranches and four homes. Did you know that he once told his employees to destroy $3 million of wine because it didn’t taste quite right? You read it right,
he had it destroyed.
The remaining article about whether or not NFL team owners deserve more money is continued in the next part of this article. Check it out!
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy. 



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