
Do Niners fans act any different than Raiders fans?

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since san francisco is so close to oakland, do 49ers fans dress up too? or are they different? do they have that whole "rough" and "tough" image that the raiders have?




  1. 49er's fans are not as visually die-hard as the Raiders  fan are, but believe me, they are just as much die-hard football fans as any other team's fans in the NFL!

  2. Much more subdued at Candlestick Park.  I think the Raider's fans are seriously fanatical and really enjoy their football!

  3. The niners fans are all g*y because they live in San Francisco. They usually wear rainbow colored clothes and spandex.

  4. 9er fan does not possess the same passion for the game as Raider fan. That's why everyone either loves or hates the Raiders. People after the 80's and early 90's could give two bits about a p**s for the 9ers either way. They are luke warm fans in SF just like Ram fans were when they were in CA.  

  5. all I know is both their stadiums are in the middle of the ghetto and there are drug dealing gangbangers every where

  6. please..

    chokeland and their fans have no class whatsoever..

    they are the gutter of the nfl..

    nothing but trash...

    try going to a game with a different teams jersey...

    you'll end up getting stabbed..

    on the other hand.. the niners fans are ALL CLASS...

  7. Raiders fans like dressing up to football games like its a fashion show.  They do this because the fans know nothing about football.   As u can see above me all that raiders fan can do is say other fans are g*y but could never spit out stats or knowledge of why his team is better.  I think he might be fighting his own questions about his sexuality.  Not all raiders fans are this way but the guy above me is for sure.  I think he likes dressing up in the black hole as much as he likes getting it in the brown hole.

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