
Do Nottingham city buses allow people to take bicycles on with them?

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Do Nottingham city buses allow people to take bicycles on with them?




  1. If you want to find out it might be useful to email them at:

    They should be able to tell you if the route you want to travel on allows bicycles.

  2. At off-peak times, but I'm not sure if all lines do, I couldn't find any info on, but I'm sure if you phone them or email you could find out, or I guess you could ask a bus driver next time you travel so you know if you can take your bike next time.

    Sorry I couldn't have been of more help - I can't even ride a bicycle!  But I know I've definately seen people take them on the bus.

  3. not beween 7.30 and 9.30 am and not beween school times and 7.30 pm.

    Othr times you could.

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