
Do Obama supporters believe that attack's on Palin's children ?

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will sway voters to cast their vote for Obama?




  1. Yes, but they are sadly mistaken. My vote for McCain was only strengthened by his choice of Sarah Palin.

  2. just because she is a righteous conservative with a S****y, knocked up teenage daughter should not sway your vote, imo.

  3. People are attacking the hypocrisy of Palin and failure of republican family values.

      The republicans sure didn't mind using those tactics against millions of innocent Americans.

      Get over your crybaby self.

  4. It will backfire.  What's worse; having a daughter that becomes pregnant out of wedlock, or admitting to having sold cocain?

  5. We aren't attacking the daughter. Its her MOTHER. Palin made her daughter hide the baby bump by holding her bother and covering herself with a blanket. Palin puts herself above her own children

    How do you think that girl felt on stage hiding her stomach in front of the entire country?

  6. Yes but it is not working.....give me a break dems support giving birth control to kids in school which means they must realize their kids are having s*x the means that there is a chance to become pregnant......she just got caught she is just like every one else her age.....also she live in alaska for heavens sake it is dark for 6 months out of the year what else do you want her and her bf to do?

  7. i dont understand why it is the republicans are called mean nobody has made personal attacks on biden's family or obama's children and any criticism of michelle i think has been fair since she is an open campaigner for her husband

  8. The dem machine ALSO runs on smear tactics..

    It doesnt matter what party, theyll attack who they have to and hurt whoever they have to to try and get the vote. I wish someone would be above the rest.

    I dont agree with blaming Palin on her daughters pregnancy. If your a parent, you know that you cant control everything your kids do. You try and instill the best morals you can and teach them right from wrong but in the end they do have their own mind. Calling her a bad parent becuase of her daughters choice makes no sense.

    As far as the Rep trying to get an abstinence msg out there...why is this wrong? Even if it doesnt work why cant we at least try it instead of throwing condoms at them and the convenience of abortion?? Now THAT makes no sense and is irresponsible!

  9. No.  Did Republicans think attacking Obama's wife and daughters would throw votes to McCain?

  10. What's being attacked is Palin's abstience only s*x education stance.  It doesn't work but she wants to push it off on US too.  

  11. Poeple are attacking HER policy not her children.  

  12. i am democratic-  yes because she has a preegnent teenager  ( shows how could she take care of a whole country if she cant take care of her own daughter, and she has 5 children one baby which is diagnosed with down syndrum ( she cant worry about a baby with mental handicap and my life)  

  13. Attacks on Palin's children, no. However, the fact that she accepted the VP nomination KNOWING that it will thrust her pregnant daughter onto the public stage and subject her to ridicule shows serious lack of judgement, cruelty, and lack of standing up for her family.

  14. Those that support him should follow his lead and rise above such sleazy tactics. Just because the Republican party embraces such methods that does not justify the democrats in diving into that c**p pit with them. He has been denouncing personal attacks and pushes McCain to stay on topic, don't betray the one you follow.

  15. They must. And the funny part is the more they do it the more sane women leave... And they are to STUPID to see this... Great question!!

  16. Are you 12?

    No one is "attacking" Bristol.  

    The ISSUE here.....the very REAL, concerning, frightful ISSUE here, is that Sarah Palin, promotes policies and by extension, ---laws.........that don't work even in her own HOME..............are unrealistic, and research after research study has PROVEN to be ineffective.

    Yet........she has a real shot at becomging VP now......and by extension.............quite possibly PRESIDENT........with her uninformed, ineffective, and quite LAUGHABLE right wing religious nut job ideas.

    I think Bristol is cute........God bless her and her baby...........

    but her MOM is not FIT to be VICE PRESIDENT of the United States, if she believes ABSTINENCE is the key to unwanted pregnancies and birth control.

    let's all get REAL and try living in the real world for 5 minutes, okay?

  17. I will vote for Obama.  I do not believe the attack on Palin's daughter is politically correct.  however, after saying that, what if this came out regarding one the the Democrat candidates?  The Republicans would show no mercy.  The Republican machine runs on smear tactics.  

    There are other reasons to discredit Palin, other than the choice her daughter made.  

  18. No but bringing attention to the hypocricy of Sara palin and the fact that she is not ready to be president if McCain croaks will.

  19. Interesting question since Obama said on the news yesterday his own mother was 18 when she had him.   I think anyone that has teenagers would understand that even if you provide s*x ed to your kids does not mean that they are going to listen.  How many of you out there have kids that are in high school.

  20. We all know you'd jump on Obama if he were in Palin's shoes

  21. We aren't attacking her daughter. We are attacking her. Perhaps she should change her stance on s*x education. She preaches abstinence but couldn't even get through to her own daughter. How does she expect to get through to yours?

  22. I think many of them heard Obama telling them to back off from attacks on the children of candidates but are ignoring him..

  23. okay.

    for the ten millionth time, NO ONE is attacking bristol palin.  

    what is under attack is the hypocritical, irresponsible, and INEFFECTIVE republican stance on s*x ed and contraception

    nice try on the spin

  24. I guess they think it will... but I think it will backfire. It makes them look like sleazy hypocrites.

  25. No

  26. How do you figure that Sen Obama's supporters are the ones doing the attacking?  I don't try and sway anyones vote, I just give my opinion. Conservatives should not place themselves on a pedistal and think no one will say anything when they fall off.  

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