
Do Other Countries Give Free Abortions as Obama and the DNC Want America to do?

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China? Probably.

What about European countries?




  1. We are one of the few industrialized nations that does not provide for abortions (where legal) for poor women.  They are not "free," often they are paid by insurance or through other financing.  Other countries use their tax dollars, just as for other medical procedures.  

  2. Not so sure, but our insurance plan cover four a year.

  3. Yes, all industrialized nations do.  But, then, they also give free healthcare, we let the living babies get sick and die.

  4. Why not? Who cares? Its a non-issue. Give it a break already.

  5. Planned Parenthood has received billions of taxpayers dollars since Roe.

  6. Yes lets stop abortion,  we need allot more single welfare moms!!!

  7. no what we need is wemen with morals like they had in the old days. Now a days girl fhsk whoevr whenever. With the exception of a few

  8. Not than I'm aware of, China forces them for free..

    In 98% of the cases abortion is not "health care" and how is not having the givernment pay for care letting babies get sick and die?..

  9. Yes, but they don't allow you to kill the baby after it is viable or after it is born.  

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