
Do Ouija boards attract demons?

by Guest63080  |  earlier

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I got a Ouija board for christmas and i heard the atrract demons is this true?




  1. they are said to attract spirits and on rare occasions, demons i guess. i wish i had a ouija board. although if i did i would probably **** myself!!

  2. No. As far as I know they only attract gullible idiots who believe in the paranormal and other asinine concepts.

  3. well, yes and no.  ouija board channels are too wide.  you can't focus on a specified persons without tons of psychic energy.  they are safe.  but only certains kinds work.  the original kinds had a sort of spirit lock on them so they would not be able to use the board as a portal.  i don't know.  there are too many varieties now.  tell me what kind it is.  is it the cardboard paper or the wooden kind?

  4. No, it's just a game, and that's just a myth.

  5. Definitely YES.

    That is true.

    Burn that Ouija Board which will be like kicking the devil in his but!

    I am surprised that anyone would Give that as a Gift.  Who needs deamons around to pester you and make you believe that they are who they say they is hard enough.

    Burn it....and then Praise God.

  6. O____O i hope not ive played with them before.

    but yeahhh you should try it, it's really fun!

  7. Ouija boards arent known to attract demons but it is believed that when you use one you are opening up for any spirits wether they be good or bad to come in and that could create for a hazardous situation if one does come to you, but along with answering this question i also feel obligated to inform you that a demonic spirit that is actually in a house is a very rare occourence.

  8. Please, Please, get rid of it!! That is a big no, no. Yes , SOME people use them as a way to contact loved ones or spirits, and you can try if you want to. The spirit world is NOT to be taken lightly!! You open up that door.... then you may as well get prepared! There are games that are designed and look the same way. But it is NO game!!! Demons are very, very real!! I have had many experiences with them. It is an extremely horrifying experience. An experience you can not control. Weather you believe in them or not... a demon will show it self to you. The door is better to be left closed!!! Use your common sense! LOL.

  9. Yes they do and they should not be used.You getting one for christmas is so stupid,it is not a game.

    Ouija boards were first used in the Victorian era,the name Ouija is from French for yes and German for no.

    When you use an 0uija board then you are opening up a gate basically and anything can come through.

    'Demons' as you call it are bad spirits from the lower realms and yes they can come through the board and cause havoc,when a negative energy gets through it is a ***** to get rid of,this is why so many people end up with bad spirits in their home because they have been careless and have messed around on these boards withought realizing the dangers.

    Please do not use the board unless you have a meduim.

    A medium can give some protection and basically stop anything negative from getting through.

    People on here have been saying that its basically ok to use it but too be honest they haven't had the experiences that i have had,i have seen and experienced things because of an ouija board.

  10. it will attract negative spirits, best not to do it, it would be better to throw it away

  11. Ouija boards, for the most part, are an innocent board game.  If there is anyone in your home that is sensitive to paranormal activity though, you may want to use caution.  Examples of sensitive individuals:

    Pregnant women

    Adolecent (pre-teen to teen) girls

    Elderly women in ANY stage of dementia

    Anyone with emotional, chemical or hormonal imbalances

    Anyone with mental or psychological illnesses

    Normal, well balanced people who seek fun, will find it.  It has a tendency to effect those listed above, mostly in a negative way - even if they don't know the board is near by or in use.  Symptoms include night terrors, irrational feelings of dread or instense fear for no apparent reason, suicidal thoughts, hearing voices and a whole bunch of other nasty problems.

    Just be responsible.  It's an accurate and sometimes scary thing.  I used a Ouija board from the time I was 11 or so all the way up until my first pregnancy, with no ill effects.  They're pretty accurate and lots of fun.  As soon as I got pregnant, I began experiencing night terrors about the board.  I had the board in a chest at the foot of my bed and I'd wake up believing that the chest was on fire.  I could feel the heat and smell the smoke and the flames were real, even after I'd rub my eyes to be sure.  As soon as I'd jump out of bed - the flames would be gone.  No one ever got hurt physically... but it sure was scary.

  12. This is something I have always wanted to do but have always been to afraid to do!

    I know that there are others in this world, by that I mean spirit beings, OK so I may not know enough so I guess that is part of the reason I do not want to try a Ouija board.

    When I was little I was told if you use one a black dot follows you around for the rest of your life...that's total rubbish but I was very afraid for a while! he he.

    My mum says she did one in the school cooking room and loads'a stuff came flying off the shelves.

    You hear so many stories and you never truly know what is true but I think it is best not to mess with the unknown.

    You think about it, If you are sat around the board with friends in a place you think is haunted and you call out for the spirits to communicate to you, you are giving them your OK, You are letting them make a connection if they want to, there is a chance that nothing will happen but if it does be prepared.

    As for demons There could be a risk of stronger, upset, angry spirits getting through My grandad used to say "it's not the dead that hurt you it is the living" but still I wouldnt think that counts when it comes to those sorts of spirits.

    If you do it Know you are messing with something you do not understand so be safe.

    Here are some sites I found. Hope they help xx

  13. h**

    its just a game used to scare gullible people, that simple. Use it as you please.

  14. Good god no.  Don't listen to all of these frantic people.  They are just hyper-sensitive to the power of suggestion.  They're scaring themselves with what they think are demonic signs.  Those who think otherwise are all superstitious or uneducated as to how the world around them operates.  Demons, ghosts and spirits do not exist.  Just play the game and have fun.

    For more detailed information read the link:

  15. No,but they can be great fun.Get some friends together and call on all kinds of things.Scare the bejeebers out of each other,it's a harmless game.Remember when asking questions,use blindfolds and turn the board every question.That will show you how "real"that toy is.

  16. A long time ago I watch a show with that had Dermonologists on it, they said that Ouija boards, fortune tellers and all that sort of stuff could open your soul to allow the demons in.  But I don't know it first hand.

  17. They do not attract them. They will sometimes use them though if they are in your house or area you put it in.

  18. Yes actually the Ouija board has nothing to do in attracting demon or whatever else. It's only in our imagination. Everything that happens in this world have its own reason. Yes I have also heard many story what an Ouija board can do but actually it's because of our own belief. When we really believe that the demon really will come out and we are eager to see it, then the unpredictable situation could happen. Because the demon world are not fake but were a reality. But if the situation happen, do not be afraid because we should afraid of God not to the demon as the demon is one of the God's creation. The Demon don't have any power in front of God and believe that the Demon don't have the power to harm us without the God's permission.

  19. Yes and no. Ouija boards don't attract demons in specific; they attract spirits, and with those spirits comes the possibility of demons. I personally have had the displeasure of speaking with several demons on rare occasion; they made themselves distinct from good spirits by circling quickly around the board and refusing to leave, and leaving threatening comments such as "666", "blood", "h**l", and "death." I advise you strongly to exercise caution when using the Ouija -- ask specifically to speak with positive spirits upon starting, always treat the spririts kindly and with respect, only ouija when in a sober, focused state of mind, purge all doubt from your head as you play, and make sure that none of the spirits you ever talk to try to exit the board -- ways they try to do this are simply by moving off the edges, counting up or down through the numbers consecutively (1,2,3,4,5...or 5,4,3,2,1...), doing the same with the letters (A,B,C...Z), or moving to all four corners of the board. As long as you dismiss the spirit (the only way this can occur is by the marker moving over the words "Goodbye" -- then you should be fine. Should you encounter a negative spirit, tell them respectfully but firmly to leave you, and usually, it will work. Keep at it, if not...they will tire eventually.

    Best of luck and hope this helped you some!


    - A. Venger

  20. Use only if you know how to protect yourself, and are with similar people of the same level as yourself.

    I know several practicing witches that will not touch them. Mostly because of the after-effects in a place.

    You can actually detect if one has been used in a place as it leaves it's own signature.

    Yes I believe it opens doors - do you know how to shut them again ? It would be irrisponsible to leave a door open and just pack up and leave. - You would very likely find more paranormal activity after using one, than before.

  21. well, yes and no. I'm warned very strongly against using them by my guardian angels. But it's because they can be used as a portal to the other side, and when you open a portal to the other side, what you're doing in a sense is shining a beacon of light into the darkness. Things are attracted to that light, both good AND bad. The trick is to know how to control what comes through. And to know how to tell what's good and what's bad, cause in my experience, evil is a trickster--it will con you into thinking it's your best friend and won't reveal it's true identity until it's too late. So you need to pay close attention to how each individual spirit makes you feel--ie: something that register's an "icky" feeling probably IS, if you know what I mean.

  22. I do not fool with Ouija boards had a bad experinces as a child with one I do believe they are a portal for demons and I would advise you to do research before attempting to fool with it. Now I myself was told that if the board is not close it can all evil to move about. I personally do not know how to open or closed them so I do not fool with them at all.

  23. My vote would be no since all scientific research on this effect since Michael Faraday (link below) has shown that table tipping and planchette (that little triangle piece in the middle) always show evidence of force be used via an effect called the ideomotor effect (link below).

    However, demons being a strictly religious concept (if not creation) I suspect in each persons faith that embraces the concept there would be a way to protect (via ritual and symbol) yourself from the influence of demons. Blessing the board, burning blessed candles while using the board, wear a blessed necklace/cross while using the board, saying a prayer before and after using the board all come to mind as possible religious protections.

    Also, one could use some level of common sense. Why don't you dial a telephone number at random and ask to speak to your best friend (chances are poor that he will be at the random number?). So when using the board (or the Internet) why would you ask if anyone out there would like to talk? Why not request a specific person (just like dialing the right number)?

    Of course many people believe that any attempt to contact the deceased (if it works or not) is a sin. Others believe that you can't communicate with the dead but will only get demons pretending to be your dead relatives.

    So, all this in the end depends on your beliefs and faith.

    Where science is concerned all that can be said is that the Ouija board (as normally used) does not provide evidence for an afterlife or demons.

  24. hmm..Oujia borads aren't powered by spirits or any other supernatural beings....if your looking for someone do some genealogical searching you will get anwser to what you are looking for..don't waste ur time with the Ouijia u'll just creep urself out!

  25. Depends on the people's energy that are using one,and the time of day/night and the date. A lot a variables involved with this and all must be in alignment for the board to "work" for the "group" using it.

  26. According to all the urban legends and myths, yes.

    However according to any scientific research ive seen done on ouija boards, they dont even allow you to talk to the dead.

    I guess its up to you what you want to believe, myth or fact. Your choice.

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