
Do Ouija boards really work and if so, can it answer all your questions like have answer for all of them?

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this a question for people who know.

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  1. I do the board a lot and i do belive the information it is telling me, but when i ask it to make a sound or move somting they are to scard to do it incase they scare me, it is my spirit guide. They do work!

    Email if u like.

  2. its BS. its all in the user's head.

  3. Don't use one, the Ouija borad will conjure evil or demonic spirits into your house. Even if you get rid of it, the sprits will stay.

  4. I believe they do work for some people , however, I do not feel they are safe. Jane Roberts and Abraham Hicks first started on the board. However, anyone can come through, just because someone is dead does not mean they know more than you do or can help. I would be careful. However, I do believe they work.

  5. Yes they do but an evil spirit may possess you if you interrupt it rest.

  6. Ouija boards do not work if by "work" you mean allow for two-way communication with deceased people.  It does work by way of what's called the ideomotor effect.

  7. let me guess people in the church told you they bring out demonic spirits

    well thats true

    maybe they never tried it but lots of others had the theory is it opens a portal that spirits such has demons came out

    one story I actually heard was about this one family 2 kids one teen one child the teen used a Ouija board and her younger sister got possesed and she had supernatural strength and was foming at the mouth the reason the younger one was possesed was the oncult rules say that younger siblings are property of the older ones

    Ouija boards are bad news I suggest you stay away from them there is the slight possibility nothing will come and hurt you actually its more like a 60%-70% nothing will come but if it does your in trouble

    btw the reason the people at the church know what it does is because there the ones who preform exorsisms when this stuff happens

  8. Ouija boards do work, however there are intrinsic dangers to using them. Other posters have elaborated so I won't except to say that if you have to ask you probably aren't experienced well enough to use them without incurring some risk.

    IF you decide to go down this road, read up on the subject and take the precautions others recommend, then only do it with someone that is experienced and not just a friend that says she's done it dozens of times at sleep overs.

    Be purposeful, never delve into the paranormal just because you have an idle curiosity.

  9. I've never had a Ouija board work for me, but I can't speak for everyone. Now the magic eight ball...that's been a reliable source of guidance for me. You have to find a old one from when they were still made by elves.

  10. There are people who say it's BS, and part of me wants to think that too, because it makes the most sense. However, we've had some pretty weird things happen with the Ouija board. Back when we were pre teens, my cousin and I used to play all the time. We were playing with a 3rd person and all of a sudden the plastic piece that you keep your hands on rose up off the board a good foot and a half. We were pretty freaked out because our fingers were still on top and nobody was lifting it from beneath.

    Also, her cat used to claw the heck out of the box for it. The games were kept under the couch and there were probably 8 or 9 of them under there. But only the ouija board got scratched...scratched to the point where you could barely tell what it was anymore.

    As for answering questions, it always seemed to be pretty hit and miss so it's hard to say.

    Say what you want, but it wasn't a trick with sticky finger tips because there was actually a weird sensation from underneath the plastic part. It was like a slight pressure. The 3 of us talked about this a few months ago actually. We're in our mid 20's now so if it were a joke the guilty party would have fessed up. I'm not saying it's definitely supernatural, but it certainly was weird.

  11. They work as far as answering questions, but they speak nonsense a lot. There is nothing evil or demonic about them.

  12. Are you asking if you ask a question to a ouija board, will it give you an answer? Sure, but not through communication with the dead, and it might not be a correct answer, or even anything that makes sense.

    My pet dog could answer all your questions, one bark for yes, silent for no. However, the answers probably will not be correct. But what the heck. At least they are coming from a something alive.

    In short, ouija boards do not do what they claim to do.

  13. They sure do.Nothing gets silly folks in a dither like they do.Thanks for asking this question.It doesn't come up enough.

  14. Honestly, I have had an occasion or six or seven playing with the board. One friend of mine asked me to do it with him and we both promised not to move the glass ourselves. It budged only a tad bit and never any more. We sat there for a solid 20 mins with our fingertips on that thing. I have also used it with friends where the board spelled out things and answered questions. As such, I have to say that a spirit isn't necessarily of smart person or a good person.

    I have heard all kinds of stories, but as for myself I think it is a game of sorts and not one to be playing around with if you have "dark" impressions of the broad or if you seek real answers to real issues. Some people believe it is an avenue to open your own subconscious and answer your own questions about life.

    What ever it is and weather or not you believe in it will give it the "power" it has for you. Best wishes.

    Light & Love,

  15. STOP WHERE YOU ARE! Do not touch an Ouija board. Sure, people here say they're full of c**p, but unbeknownst to them, these boards do work. If you use one, they can bring unwanted guests who can be poltergeist-like or worse, demons. You should not use one as they are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!!!! You're opening up a can o'worms that you may not be able to handle. If you have, I suggest you find a way to get rid of it. Then, use white light to protect yourself. here is it


    Try and relax before you do this exercise. Also know that it is most important that you do this for yourself first, before trying to protect the rest of your family or home. Just like with any form of prayer, you must care for yourself first, before you can include and care for the others. That you must make the connection first. But you will have success with it. And anyone can also teach their children this to also protect them. Sometimes a white light may be too bright for them. You can also have them, or even you, use a softer light blue light or even a golden light as protection as well.

    The first thing you will need to learn is white light protection. Now, if you or someone in your group has any problems making this work, there are several other options to try and make it work. Contact me and I can share some of those varieties.

    ALSO WITH CHILDREN, sometimes if they can focus being on a stage for a play, and then the light comes on them like a spot light also seems to help them out.


    When doing any type of psychic or spiritual work including meditating, healing or even paranormal investigations, some form of grounding and protection is highly recommended.  Here is a simple yet very powerful technique that you can learn to use almost instantly.

    1. Take a few deep breaths.  And ask that the Brilliant White Light of God / Heaven / All That Is to descend and completely surround you for several feet in all directions: above your head, below your feet, to the left and to the right of you, in front and  behind you.

    2. See, feel or imagine that this beautiful White Light is now moving down into your brain, then down your spinal cord.  See, Feel or imagine that your brain and spinal cord are glowing with a white energy from the inside out.   See, feel or imagine the White Light traveling down both your arms into your hands and out through your fingertips.   See it traveling down both your legs, into your feet and straight down into the ground.   You are now protected from any form of negativity (including psychic or spiritual attacks).  Do this technique once a day or more often if needed.

    3.  If you encounter a situation where you feel threatened by a spirit, in addition to protecting yourself with the White Light you can extend your arms and mentally project the Light through your hands, like laser beams, towards it.  This will chase the offending spirit far away from you!    You can also ask that the White Light surround and protect other people and animals.  To protect your home, first do the White Light protection technique for yourself then imagine the White Light flooding all rooms, from top to bottom, and going inside all cupboards and closets.  Be sure to visualize or sense the Light going into all corners and don’t forget the bathrooms, laundry room, basement, attic, and garage!  To protect your property mentally ask the White Light to go around the perimeter of your land.  Do this at least once a day for maximum benefit.  

    You can project the Light from you hands and you can even exhale the Light if you find yourself unable to move again.  Keep up the prayers and using the Light everyday, several times a day. Make your space uncomfortable for them. You can also ask the Light to fill you entire home from attic to basement. See and feel it flowing out all the windows of your home. You can also burn sweet smelling incense such as Sandalwood and Cinnamon (my favorite is Nag Champa).  This helps to purify your space. Try always to get real essential oil incense. Some people will suggest that you burn Sage but it has a very strange odor that you may find offensive.

    If a spirit is causing problems with you, or a family, you can immediately surround yourself in the White Light. If you are natural Medium you may be attracting spirits and they may be trying to communicate with you. Tell them that you cannot help them and that they need to go into a brighter White Light where they will get the help they need. Tell them to look for a Brighter White Light and to listen closely and they will hear their names being called. The aggressive spirit may need help too but he/she/it may not be able to communicate well.  Or it is a troublemaker trying to intimidate you by scaring you away from your spiritual path.  I suggest that you should contact the Johnson’s through their website. You can also sprinkle Holy Water around your room every few days to purify your space. You can say "In the name of The Light I command you to leave!  Only God dwells here!  Go towards the White Light!  You are not welcome here! Leave me in Peace!"  Be very forceful when you say this. You must sound like you really mean it. Repeat this as often as you need"

    I got this from my mentor. Please, do not use them. They are dangerous and I'm very concerned u r even thinking about using them. Stay safe!

  16. Funny thing..........I was just using mine earlier today and I asked the spirit attached to the board, Tinkie-Winkie, if anyone were going to ask a question about the Ouija board today.

    You'll never guess what "his" response was.........

  17. It's a funny thing.  The glass moves by itself, but I remember doing it with my mum.  If we both had our fingers on it, it moved.  If only she had her finger on it, it moved, but with only my finger, it stayed still.

    Everything it told me about the future was nonsense, but the "test" questions about current things were answered correctly.

  18. I know.

    Ouija boards "work" meaning that if you have a few people, the planchette will move seemingly on its own and spell out messages. But what makes this work is the ideomotor effect, not spirits (see links). In fact, experiments have been done with participants wearing blindfolds and they ended up only spelling out gibberish with the Ouija board whereas before they were seemingly successful in receiving "spirit messages". But you'll hear plenty of wild stories of how Ouija boards or other objects mysteriously "flew across the room" after making contact with a spirit. Of course, in a darkened room it's very easy for one of the participants to grab the board and wing it across the room without anybody seeing who did it.

    Edit: Jessica -- either your cousin or that third person or both of them played a joke on you with some sticky fingertips.

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