
Do Our decisions reflect our character? For instance, voting:?

by  |  earlier

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Does whom or what we give our vote of confidence whether in the Gov't Admin, PTA, Yahoo ans, reflect our character and personality.




  1. Yes.  I believe so.

  2. Every decision you make reflects your character!  Just because you make a bad decision, doesn't mean your character is inherently bad, it means you're human.

    I'd like to think most people vote for someone/something because he/she/it reflects something they feel is important.  All too-often, unfortunately, most find themselves not voting FOR someone or something they like and respect, but rather AGAINST the person or thing they dislike or don't respect.

    Just because you voted for Clinton doesn't mean you agree with everything he did in while in the White House.  Ditto for Bush.  This lack of blind allegiance is what makes our country's political system better on so may levels.

    You vote for or against issues based on the limited facts you are presented with.  You vote for or against someone based on what they've told you they will or won't do.  You make your best judgment, biased by your set of values, for what you feel is best.

    Then you have to sit back and see if you guessed right . . .

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