
Do P.E teachers still shove pupils into the showers after lessons?

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Do P.E teachers still shove pupils into the showers after lessons?




  1. no

  2. Not in my school, we don't even have showers in our school apart from in the swimming pool, and when swimming was compulsary we were forbidden from using them.

  3. 1. Teachers can no longer 'shove' anyone, not if they want to remain employed.

    2. Any teacher near the showers is likely to find themselves in deep water! (excuse the pun) They would be accused of ogling and find themselves on a register somewhere and unemployable.

    3. In this age of human rights pupils make their own decisions these days-not their teachers. (More's the pity)

  4. not at my high school, you can stink if you want

  5. nope not in my school

    im still in middle school

  6. no unless theyre g*y and perverted

  7. Yes, they are still Pedophiles!

  8. No dont be stupid this is the 21st century.

  9. Nope we use the showers in our locker room as storage and a place to throw all our equipment in

  10. No they aren't allowed to! And showering is personal choice! if you don't want to shower at school you don't have to!

  11. nope. as long as you bring deodorant....

  12. at my school they use to make us have showers after games and they were horrid but now at a new school its just now common sence to have them after games beacsue they are then out of the way til the next day and then there are no horrid smells!

  13. no - i believe that is now called paedophilia

  14. hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


  15. why are you asking?

  16. shouldnt do its abuse

  17. Yes

    They must like to see young boys

  18. well at me school (where i was teaching) over 20 years ago they had to watch the children have a shower but now it is seen as wrong so they don't have showers anymore

  19. Not at my school. and i am so glad!

  20. Not in my country.

  21. At my school there was showers, but we never had time for one, nor were we ever told to have one.

  22. Nope.

    I never had a shower at school. In fact, no body did. The showers didn't even work.

    And I'm glad. The thought is horrific.

  23. nope. they don't even make you take showers. which I think is gross.

  24. Only those who don't want to teach any more.

  25. lol not in my school!

  26. Think about all those sweaty, unwashed bodies festering in a hot classroom, enough to make you puke.

    Showers are necessary to get that sweat off and to clean any other dirt off the body from the gym equipment and don't forget that the gym equipment has been used by other sweaty bodies and you have now got their sweat on you???? YUK!!


  27. lol! we didnt even have a shower on our games field, just a changeing room and alot of deorderant.

  28. Yes and then they played with us.

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