
Do PTA mothers annoy you?

by Guest32539  |  earlier

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Do PTA mothers annoy you?




  1. no.

  2. No i am glad they are there.There are so many mothers working these PTA women do good things for the children.

  3. No.  I grew up with my mother being the President of PTA at every school I went to, and I was just fine with it.  I knew all the teachers and staff very well, and my mom knew just about everyone in town and so I knew all their kids.  I'm glad my mom was in the PTA and so known because if it wasnt for that, I wouldnt have known the whole school staff so well, and so I woulnt have gotten along with them, and I would probbaly have gotten bad grades and detentions.

  4. d**n Straight! If they are moms, they should be at home, doing for their menfolk, not out raising h**l at the schoolhouse.

    Luckily, next year the twins will be 13 and can get work at the textile factory.

  5. yes, i hated them in grade school

  6. Why would they annoy you or anyone else?  They help out the school, organize fund raisers, make sure there are things our children need in school - so what is there to annoy?

    I think if you have never served on the PTA then you haven't a clue, try it, you might like helping out, the school and the kids sure appreciate it!

  7. No , I think more parents should be involved in their childs school. The PTA raises a lot of money for the school.

    They get to know the teachers and let the school know the parents are watching and care.

    Of course some people can be annoying anytime.

  8. Are you looking for an argument?  what's with all these annoying questions?

  9. No, if more parents were involved in their childrens education maybe more of them would actually be EDUCATED.

  10. I think you need to look at all they do and learn to appreciate that they are there for your children, their school and without their support a lot would not happen.

    Shame on you!

  11. It depends if they work for *all* if the children's interests (including future generations) or just their own.

  12. no

  13. Of course not...MILF's are cool!

  14. There is a very old song written especially about the PTA.  Harper Valley PTA. LOL.  

    I did not know that the PTA  still existed.

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