
Do Pagans tithe??????

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Do Pagans tithe??????




  1. Yep, the liquor store, their pot dealer, their .........

  2. yea, it is called donating money to charities.

    Most Christians do not tithe, I am too poor to do that.

  3. My tradition requires volunteer work, or charitable donations, though your time is preferred.

    As we do not have a meeting space that requires support, we would rather our members give their energies to those in need locally rather than trying to coordinate something for our whole church on a national or international level.

  4. Not really. Depends. Many of us work alone so there is no organization to tithe to. Those who work in groups share the costs, which isn't the same thing.

    However the standard entry fee to annual Pagan Pride Day is a donation to charity. If that counts.

  5. No, I wouldn't think so. Some Wiccan covens take a membership fee of sorts, to cover necessary costs, such as shared ritual supplies (ie, candles and incense) or registration of clergy, but I've never heard of a coven taking any amount of money that wasn't needed for this purpose. Certainly a tenth of a persons income would qualify as more than necessary, especially when you have several people factored in.

    So my answer is no.  

  6. answer: In a way.  We help with expenses - whatever those may be.  Usually its a contribution for a potluck and gas money.  We rotate meeting places among our members.

  7. No, not acording to the definition I'm seeing here...

    Pagans give when the mood and opportunity is

    right. We don't pledge to give a percentage of

    our income on a regular basis.

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