Upon answering a question for another poster, I noted that each and every response that supported the father's rights to their child was given a thumbs down.
Why is it that people think the father has no rights? Why do agencies convince women to jump state lines to intervene the father and/or extended family? Why is it legal? Everyone knows the "registries" for unwed fathers is an absolute joke cooked up by the industry to keep men from rightfully raising their children! Don't give me the whole "Well, she is the one carrying the baby." Adoption is not her decision alone....if the father wants to raise his child and it is proven thru DNA that the child is his, he should be granted custody. I am sick of hearing about adopters complaining about fighting the fathers in court over the children. The men have a right to their children and are being denied this right. Why do so many think that the man has no right to his child when it comes to adoption?