
Do People Really Change?

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This is not a question. It's more of an idea of mine which I would like some feedback on:

Middle School and High School has shown me the best and the worst of people's character and many times, either through my own experiences or those of my friends, the idea of whether or not people change has perturbed greats amounts of thought. From what I have seen, our character never changes, in only comes in conflicts with our desires. Desires and character seem to always be battling each other. From what I've seen the only time when people "change" is when either one of desires become greater than what their character is telling them or one of their desires becomes greater than their previous desire. If you don't believe me apply it to an alcoholic in rehab, or the last guy you dated who all of a sudden broke up with you. With all of these cases you will find that this method applies. And so I have concluded that people never change, but their desires can be unpredictable.




  1. Only the people that WANT to change , will change like they say

    " A lepored doesnt change it's spots over night"

    I know where you are coming from, in middle school everyone is trying to find their place and fit into that one special click, they have yet to mature and only care for themselves and dont care who they hurt along the way

    When you enter High School that is about the time that you tend to realize WHO your true friends are, if not then they have yet to break out of their shell and think for themselves, they are still being thought of as the same kid they went to school with, which is also how mental breakdowns can happen (IE School shootings because of harrasment)

    Now a days it's hard to find people who arent mean to others for their race, size, or phsyical appearance.

    So in conclusion: Only the strong will change

  2. I aggree with you that people don't change, we are all still the same person we were lets say ten years ago, I have a best friend that I've known for about 38 years or so, I'm 58 so you tell me how long we've known each other, we live in the same state though we met in N.Y we now live in a different state other then N.Y one would think we see each other all the time. Not true, I haven't seen her for about a year, She's still my friend, we just have different interest, I guess, I call her from time to time, and she returns my call, But you see It's true, people don't change it's our interest that changes..

  3. I see what you're saying. People can change. Take me for example, I used to be a real a**hole, now I'm just a jerk! Seriously though, I'm over fifty years old and I've seen society as a hole change for the better a lot.  

  4. I've made many changes throughout my life ... but my basic personality has remained the same.

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