
Do People Still Hitchhike?

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Would you hitchhike - or would you pick up a hitchhiker? (Don't think that spelling looks right - sorry but spell check approved it lol).




  1. yes they do but some places you should not even think about doing it

  2. we live by glastonbry and that time of year everyone does-we dont pick anyone up. my dad always used to--- but know adays you hear those awful stories....

  3. No never have done... but I am sure it must be fun.

  4. not if they value their life.

  5. I wouldn't do it myself, but I have picked up a few hikers before. It just seems cruel to leave them on the side of the road. Most recently I picked up some Poles and took them 2 stops up the motorway (as far as I was going).

  6. Yes, i will be hitch hiking soon!

    i think in america its illegal now.. not sure about europe...

  7. I would if thay looked ok, i hitched from Calais to Athens when i was young

  8. its illegal. & i would never pick one up EVER

  9. yes people still do though getting a bit dangerous nowadays too many wierdo's

  10. Not if they have any sense. Its really dangerous these days.  I used to hitch-hike a lot in the 60s 70s and now i know about fred west.  I could have been a victim of his. I even travel through 11 europian countries crossing the sea as second driver in a lorry and that was before i could drive lol.  But now no. I would hate my kids to well

    Since being a driver i have picked up a couple hitch-hikers but i do worry about it.  I always try to do it only if someone else is in the vehicle.  I feel for them.  You dont really see them these days so I always feel there must be a problem if they are doing it and i like to help people.

  11. some people do but...

    it's very dangerous.

    in some places it's illegal.

    I would never pick up a hitchhiker.

    many many years ago people gave servicemen rides all the time.

    it's just not safe,

  12. I wouldn't, far far too dangerous, but i know people who have, i would not advise it. Nor pick up people, there are too many crazies out there.

  13. I wouldnt pick up a stranger

  14. i live in north east of scotland and in the summertime you regularly see hitchers

  15. Yes they do and no way are they getting a ride from the nice guy

  16. yes but i would only stop for a trade plater

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