
Do Pigs have bacteria??? i'm trying to win an agrument with my bf i know that they eat everytihng in sight

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Do Pigs have bacteria??? i'm trying to win an agrument with my bf i know that they eat everytihng in sight




  1. Bacteria are everywhere, so pigs have them too; especially in the intestines.  Most of the bacteria are not harmful, but of course nobody wants to handle the contents of anybody's intestines.

    If they have a bacterial infection, they should have symptoms.  However, not all their illnesses can affect humans, though a few can.

    The big health problem associated with eating pork is trichinosis.  This is an infestation by the trichina worm, in which larvae produced in the intestines make their way into the muscles and cause a variety of symptoms.  The adults in the intestine can be killed, but there is nothing to kill the larvae in the muscles.  Infestation can last for years.  This is why it is best to cook your pork well.

    Trichinosis is very rare in more developed nations.

    Thanks Starbuck for telling us about the potential MRSA threat.  This is a staph bacterium, which will also be killed by cooking; but if you handle the raw pork, wash well afterwards!  I assume anybody would, of course.

  2. EVERYTHING has bacteria on it, including humans.

  3. bacteria is on everything/in everything

  4. Most all living things have bacteria of one kind or another, but you are referring to "harmful" bacteria, and probably harmful parasites too.  I can tell you from first had experience, that they DO.  Especially "wild" pigs.  Domesticated pigs raised for food in the USA have such tight restrictions on them from the FDA and are raised in much cleaner environments that you need have no fear of getting harmful things from eating those.

    When I was in Papua New Guinea with the native people (which I loved by the way) they had a "Sing-sing" (big celebration) which they invited me and my wife to.  They cooked vegetables and a huge wild pig in a fire pit.  It was the most delicious pork I've ever had.  BUT, I got Liver Flukes from the meat.  It wasn't the fault of the native people, but it proves my point.  The meat needed to be cooked much, much more thoroughly, but then, of course, it wouldn't have tasted as good (ha, ha).  The pig got the Flukes from eating vegetation, roots, and tubors, in the wild.

  5. Pshhh everything has bacteria.

  6. Yogurt has live bacteria!!!!!!!!!!!! But its good for you...we even have very deadly bacteria in our bodies that could kill a person, our antibodies are able to keep them away until we die thats how things decompose, btw dont eat decomposing things.

  7. if it exists on the surface of the earth... yes.

  8. Everything has bacteria in it. It's all over you have bacteria inside of you also...if you didn't you wouldn't be able to digest your food right.  That's why when you take anti-biotics you get the craps.

  9. yes pigs have bacteria everything has bacteria even lysol =]

  10. Yes they have bacteria, and some carry parasites.  One such parasite is called trichinosis, which is a worm.

  11. All species on earth have bacteria, some to aid the animal with certain processes within the body, some are invaders trying to use the animal as a host. You have bacteria, i have bacteria, pigs have bacteria, everything has bacteria!

  12. Yes - they do. But so does everything else on the planet. Your vegetables harbor bacteria. Your bread harbors bacteria. You eyelashes harbor bacteria. Humans have just developed immunities and tolerances to these bacteria - pigs are no more filthy than any other organism. This assumption is based upon religious texts.

  13. yes if its on earthit probably is home to bacteria besides the inside of a container filled with windex antibacterial.

    bacteria lives, thrives on, feeds off of, supports, and destroys everything

    bacteria is thriving on your body as we speak

    pigs have bacteria on them but probably not enough to cause illness if you were to be near one

  14. like yeah look just follow the link!!

  15. Everyone and everything has some form of bacteria, although pigs don't eat everything in sight, they do carry multiple forms of bacteria. That is why you must cook them before you eat them, to kill the bacterias they carry.

  16. There's bacteria on everything, but pigs are some of the cleanest animals in the world.

  17. Yes they do have bacteria, but then again so does ever thing. And pigs dont eat everything in sight, they can actually be quite picky. The term "Your a Pig", like if someone eats a lot, is just said because pigs tend to be fat. They are only fat because they don't exercise, not because they eat a lot.

  18. Pigs have bacteria. Everything also have bacteria on them.

  19. duh...

  20. They have bacteria, viruses and Trichinella spiralis blabber worm in their muscles (Trichinosis) together with the badder worm of Taenia soluim (tape worm).

  21. Everything has bacteria.

  22. well i guess there is a reason for the saying greedy as a pig....

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