
Do Pisces and Capricorns get along usually?

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i'm a pisces and my old crush is a capricon and we never used to get along that's why we longer talk .. but is that right are we suppose to get along because pisces are sensitive and capricorns don't like to open up much ...




  1. I am your sister sign. I am a Virgo I am with a Capricorn man. The things that you would do I wouldn't and the things that I would you wouldn't.

    The sister signs goes like this

    1, Aries/Libra






    These are the signs so maybe you should be with a Cancer because I can't. I was with a Cancer and he was very abusive. So now I am with his sister sign and it is very good. Every astrology reports states that we are very compatible. Why because, we are both earth sign and Pisces and Cancer is water signs so you have a better chance with a water sign.

  2. the horoscope can be a lie. my younger stepbrother he is 2 years younger, he is a tauraus and I am a sagittarius capricorn cusp. we are supposed to get along great, but we don't get along that good. so hang out with your crush and see.

  3. capricorn are very sensitive deep inside, we just dont wear our emotions on our sleeve. And yes they are compatible.... well they can be when they went to be

  4. YES

  5. Yes.  My best friend is pisces and I am capricorn, and I know many pisces/capricorn couples.

    Maybe you and your crush just don't really know each other well enough or let the physical tension get in the way of there being a real connection.

  6. Yes. They are supposed to be compatable.

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