
Do ------ p**p?

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I have been wondering lately,

Do ants , butteflies, worms, fleas, bacteria, snails, slugs, mosquitos poo? If so, are they microscopic?




  1. Yes as to all but bacteria.  Bacteria excrete waste, but it is not the same as a multicellular organism with a digestive system with two ends that poops out of the opposite end that it eats from.  I've seen worm, flea, snail and slug p**p and its not microscopic.  Ant and mosquito poo is probably smaller, but I'd imagine it's still visible with the naked eye, expcept maybe in the case of very small ants.

  2. yes they p**p.They eat dont they so they also p**p.No they arent microscopic.

  3. Yes. It happened to me today. I was letting my dogs got outside (we have our backyard fenced). I was out there too, when I saw a hornet. I ran inside and it chased me but I slammed the door in it's face. It kept trying to sting the door, then I saw p**p pellets fall from it's butt, then I saw pee drops come out on the door! It pooped and peed ALL OVER MY DOOR!

  4. All living things create waste!

    Yes, insects have their own forms of poo, or excrement.  If you were to capture a sample, feed and observe them in a glass jar, small specks of excrement would appear on the bottom that are visible to the naked eye.

    Yes, you can see and hold insect p**p in your hand : )

    Bacteria, which are microscopic to begin with, have their own form of "excrement."  It's not really "poo" in the sense of the word, as bacteria are only single cells, and have no digestive system.  Instead, the wastes from various cellular processes are simply diffused or transported through the cell wall, and dumped into the environment.

    What a fun question to answer, I remember wondering the same thing when I was younger!

  5. Yes, ants excrete waste like any other living organism.

    Do you excrete waste?

    Yes, insects and slugs etc. poo.

  6. Mosquitoes poo visibly. (HAHA =D)

    I know ´coz I seen it. Back when I lived in my parents house, there was like a pond or something a couple blocks aways, and in Brazilian weather (O_O) there were clouds of mosquitoes buzzing all over. So usually six or so would manage to enter my room... and where they spent the day, you could see, little points of yellowish-white... stuff. But it dried and it was difficult to clean. Yeah, mosquitoes pooped all over my belongings.
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