
Do Psychologists help?

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I have had such a nightmare of a life, I was coming to terms with things a few years ago then something horrible happened and then after that a ton of horrible things have happened, and now I feel my life is almost over

I have been to social workers and regular therapists but I am not sure they are helping

Would seeing a psychologist help?

I actually saw a psychologist years ago and I thought it was ok but not sure

I am always of the belief that you need to get over things yourself but I feel I cant get over these things

Will a psychologist help? Is there a point when someone is beyond help and they have to kill themselves or just face a life of misery?

And why do psychologists seem better then regular therapists? It seems therapists try and cheer lead you and psychologists just listen to you




  1. Psychologists have a bit more education (PhD versus MA), but not necessity. They all are different and it all depends on the person and their approach and your comparability with them. Finding the one that is right for you is a key and can take few trials and errors.

  2. I would suggest a Christian Psychologist that is well versed in Clinical. Why? They always look for "Faulty Priorities" that may overwhelm a person. You will be shocked at how many of us live on a daily basis being "Double Minded." A "Double Minded" man is unstable in all of his ways. This type of Clinical Psychologist can help marrow your Temperament to a singleness in thought.  

  3. Yes a psychologist will help.

    They observe your behaviors and they try to understand you

    to the point they can help..

    Open up to them.. dont be scared

    they are there to help after all...

    Dont be so negative

    that drags you down more..

    there are many years ahead and many doors to life

    the more you are negative about it the more you will tell yourself

    its going to get worse

    and sometimes unconsciencely you can make it happen that way

    so try your best to stay positive NO MATTER WHAT

    but yes i would go talk to someone and seek for some help.

  4. I'd rather see a psychologist than a clinical social worker because I think that extra 2 years of training matter a lot because they seem to get more information on how to deal with behavior. I see both a psychologist, for therapy, and a clinical social worker, for substance abuse. Usually you need to see a psychologist for a diagnosis and to come up with a treatment plan. Everyone can be helped if they are willing to work at it. See a psychologist that way you know what you're dealing with and find out what treatment you need, then you can find a therapist that subscribes to that type of therapy.

  5. Psychologists are trained, but they still have personalities.  Some psychologists are very good for certain types of people where others are not.

    If you find that you really need to seek out a psychologist, do so, but if for some reason they are not making you feel better, don't give up, but instead see if you can find a different type of psychologist to help you.

    Some people are viewers and some are problem solvers.  Depending on what you need, you may want to seek out a certain types of psychologists.  If you just need to talk, find a listener.  If you believe you may need medicinal help, seek out one who will consider those alternatives, and if you want someone to help guide you to a resolution find one who is capable of coming up with ideas for you to use to improve.

    Therapists are psychologists, by the way, they just have different levels of education.

  6. first you have to understand what a psychologist educated person who understands the "psychology" of the mind.  it's like paying a person hundreds of dollars on what u could look up or read in your library. sometimes a person needs to hear from people who have gone through similiar situations and apply real applications to thier life.  your spirtitual counselor or a friend can do so much.  good luck.
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