
Do Quick Tabs work?

by  |  earlier

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I am a regular smoker of marijuana and I need to take a UA on Monday and have heard of things called Quick Tabs that you can take the day of the test before and they are supposed to mask whatever toxins in your urine. I have a couple friends who say they have taken them and say they work. Anyone else used them? What happened?

(Please no.." The best way to pass a drug test is to not do drugs" comments. I already know that. =] thanks! )




  1. I don't know about the brand Quick Tabs, but I think most of the stuff you can find in a head shop will work.  Some of that stuff will show up on drug tests, too.  If you're doing this for court, they may test for those cleaners.  If it's just for a job, then they probably won't.

    If you have 2-3 days, you can take cranberry supplement pills.  THC is fat-soluble, so it takes more than water.  If you take an entire bottle of cranberry pills in 2-3 days, and drink a ton of water (to process the pills, I assume), it'll clean you out.

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