
Do Radically Sexist Views Prevent Loving Relationships?

by Guest63654  |  earlier

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People obviously make a very wide range of choices about how they live together, from SAHMs to both people working, to part time and so forth.

When one person dictates another's choices on the basis of a sexist viewpoint, does this act in itself damage relationships?

And I mean either person.




  1. Any dictating or ultimatums from either person will destroy the relationship, both parties need to be loving respectful attentive and considerate or it all goes down the tubes.

  2. OK, this is odd, and not me.  However, I can imagine a dominating individual of either gender choosing a mate that, for whatever reason, *wants* to be told what to do.  Maybe they have a self-esteem issue.  Maybe they had extremely controlling parents.  Whatever.

    Point being, it can be a very loving relationship, with both partners getting what they want.  Maybe it appears odd to mainstream society.  Maybe there will be well-meaning friends that try to "change" the "flawed" individual.  In such cases, the "mainstream" person could be seen as the one attempting to damage the relationship.

    So, to answer the basic question, not always.  Just most of the time in "mainstream" society.

    Have a great night!

  3. Id imagine so, healthy loving relationships anyway.

  4. Yes, absolutely.

    A healthy relationship is about growing together. Helping each other to fulfill personal dreams, respecting each others individuality. A healthy relationship is not about manipulation, orders, abuse. You take the whole person as a whole package, without conditions, without trying to change someone to accommodate your points of view.

    Sexist viewpoints,  generally are about manipulation, so yes they damage a relationship and sometimes, from what I have seen in real life, create the worst divorces, as the person been manipulated builds resentment.

    If there is no respect as human beings first, the success of a relationship is very improbable in the long term.

  5. I think people with different views prevent loving relationships. Never try to change anyone.... just find the person who is compatible so that you can love each other for who you are.

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