
Do Republicans REALLY think we should vote McCain now just because there's a woman on the ticket?

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Hypocrites! A week ago, we couldn't call anyone racist if they criticized Obama (even if they were overtly so), and it was SO wrong to vote for him just because he's black. You even said he got where he was because he's black.

Now we're all "sexist" for opposing Sarah Palin and for vetting her (;_ylt=Ahl52EXcQ2_YoeGjv.c9_kPS7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080830110236AARpqDQ),

and you seem to expect everyone to vote for her JUST because she's a woman. It's a little hypocritical, no?

P.S. She really would not be where she was if she was a man, because this is a gimmick by the Republican party. I guarantee you the conversation was centered around "we need a woman." She brings no other qualification to the table you would usually look for in a VP.

So you all are really going to tell me I should vote McCain because his veep is a woman, and I'm a sexist if I don't? LOL, hypocrites.




  1. i agree 100% ..

    i just want all this sht over.  

  2. Yes, this is how stupid they think we are.  I won't vote for another 4 years of the Republicans in the White House, no matter who McCain's running mate is.  And if he thinks otherwise, that's how stupid HE is!

  3. No one is telling you anything.  Vote who you think will do the best job and leave gender and race at the door.  Race and gender do not matter anymore.  The end state is "We are humans" stop dividing us up.

  4. First...Who's YOU????  You can VOTE for whoever, or whomever you want.  If you do not like her..It's simple. Vote for Obama.  You have to admit how pathetic the Democrat strategist(S) are sounding right now, and the liberal media...comparing a Presidential Nominee to a Vice Presidential one.  I live in Connecticut.  If you want to stay in Camelot..You can...I choose McCain. Just remember the Maine, and Chappaquidik!

  5. exactly. instead of helping him with hillary supporters, he might lose them. They may think "NO way is this woman replacing Hillary! How dare he?!"

    Then again, it could help him, but this is a pretty terrible choice.

  6. She'll replace Barbecue with Moose and Caribou in the White House.

    Nuff said.

  7. News flash! It's not about you. It's about waking up the conservative base, and getting them excited about the ticket - and it has worked.  

  8. You're right. She probably wouldn't be there if she were a man. Know why? We, the Republicans are actually the ones trying to change Washington. We are actually the ones trying to get women equal pay while dems are the ones promising change but picking an old Washington insider as their VP.

  9. Hard to say what McCain thinks. I could never vote for someone who wants to tell me what I can and CANNOT do with my own body. I could never vote for someone who voted against equal pay for women, or voted against insurance to cover birth control for women, while voting for Viagra to be covered for men. He wants to privatize social security, denying disabled and elderly people the help they need. I have a major problem with that. Of course he was born into an elite military family, and has never known what is is to struggle until he was a POW. You would think he would have more compassion for those in need.  

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