
Do Republicans believe that Palin can seriously debate with the experienced Biden?

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  1. No she will duck the questions trying to talk about her fine points of being a member of the Harper Valley PTA.

    Only fine points I see about her>>she does look nice in spiked heels.

  2. she will smack him down where he belongs, graveling at her feet.

  3. LOL. Lipstick 'barracuda'... well given her fish brain...

  4. The problem is that the Republicans are BELIEVING rather than THINKING.   When it comes to the issues that matter most on a NATIONAL level, Ms. Palin is simply clueless in comparison to Biden, who has long been involved in foreign policy.  

    For Wish2Travel:  The previous Republican governor of Alaska, Frank Murkowski, epitomized "pork" and wasteful spending (corporate jet conservative), was despised by both parties, and appointed his own daughter to his vacant Senate seat against the wishes of the legislature, the people, and even some of his own advisors.  Alaskans would have voted for a polar bear for governor over him.

  5. Your talking about a Party who still "Thinks" Duyba won fair and square in 2000!

    Biden will mop the floor with her-wait and see.

  6. Go watch her debate the Incumbent Governor she deafeated in Alaska. He also had 20+ years in the Senate, and she DESTROYED him.

  7. Probably not, but it won't really matter. After all, it's just the VP debate. Remember, Bentsen destroyed Quayle (Not that it was hard to do), and it didn't matter.

  8. Never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to put his foot in his mouth!

  9. Apparently she is going to put on lipstick and talk about McCain being tortured.

    And maybe refer to her glory days in the PTA.

    Deeke (below): tired of elites?  Have you seen McCain's net worth lately?

  10. Sure.  Honesty will win out every time.

  11. Shouldn't be too hard. Biden is wrong on just about every foreign policy decision he's ever made.

  12. Yes.

    Do democrats think the inexperienced Obama can seriously debate with the experienced McCain?

    We all saw how wonderful (sarcasm) Obama did against Clinton and Edwards...

  13. The only problem here is that Biden wont be able to "pull the gloves off" because he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

    Palin was a smart choice because she conjures up the "motherly image" and you have to be careful when you go toe-to-toe with her.

    its like a 50lb guy fighting a 150lb guy...  The bigger can't win any friends no matter what.

  14. I forgot that most americans can relate to a lifetime senator

  15. yes,,they also believe in the toothfairy and the Easter Bunny and that Bush made America safer

  16. She'll make Biden her punk...

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