
Do Republicans believe that we have problems which require change in the country? If so, what are they?

by Guest64682  |  earlier

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No liberal bashing please. Let's just try to have a lucid discussion about the State of the Union for a change.




  1. Sure.

    IT is not the responsibility of the government. It is the job of the individual.

    It is possible to achieve success with the existing framework. With work and perseverance.

    I would be ashamed if I cried to the government for help. Why do I need it , yet others don't?

    Should I make up transgressions against me in order to validate hand outs ?

    Why on earth is having children and more children , that you can't afford not considered child neglect is beyond me.

    Roads and defense should be the main job of the government , nearly everything else should be able to be accomplished by the individual , with the help of family and freinds.

    So , a true conservative believes in letting people keep their money , that they earn.

    I would love to be able to go back and invest all my FICA , and federal taxes in oil futures.

    But I guess I should just be happy with the war we bought.

  2. Have you tried a chat room since this is chat?

  3. Yes, I most certainly believe we have problems that need addressing.  I am NOT thrilled with the state of the union.

    We have so many who absolutely refuse to see their part of anything.  They buy homes they "SHOULD" know they cannot afford.  They sign for credit cards and then purchase so much that they can afford to pay nothing more than the minimum amount due - taking them at least 20 years to pay off.  They don't study history and blame the here and now on the present instead of looking back to see where it all began (NAFTA sent all of the unskilled jobs overseas and no one gave due consideration to retrain those whose jobs would soon be leaving).

    We blame the education system for not providing us with a means to make $40K a year fresh out of high school.  We fail to realize that the education system produces two products: those going on to higher education and those going straight into the work force as unskilled, untrained labor.  We expect the educators to raise our children and scream like crazy when our kids end up on Geraldo or Dr. Phil.

    We look to the federal government then to provide for us, those basic wants that we should have and could have provided ourselves had we made better life choices and decisions.  And we want it all, but we think that the other guy should have to pay for it.

    Do you get the impression I'm big on personal accountability and responsibility?

  4. Yes, we have a lot of problems in this country. We spend more money on education than any other nation on the face of this earth and we still are not at the top, yet we want to spend more. How about we try a different method than just throwing money at the problem? The reason I mentioned education, is because that is where it all starts. The fixing of the problems in this nation start with the education of our young. There is no reason  for our being at the middle or bottom when compared to other nations except over indulgence and straight out laziness!

  5. Only minor ones if that..

    McCain doesn't want to change anything,

    and Obama won't change much either, at least not for good, both want more spending and bigger government.

    For real "change", we need to get away from the corporate owned two party system.. Americans should vote for a third party candidate.

    Nader, McKinney, Barr, Baldwin... any are better than a Rep or Dem  

  6. Yes.  The insurance industry is in dire need of oversight and regulation.

    Personally, I think that the curriculum in our public schools should have more history, geography, and English and less math and science, though the later two should not be diluted either; it should be more optional.

    Those are the first two that pop into my head.

  7. 1.  Immigration-enforce the law we have (will heal our economy).

    2.  Keep jobs in the United States, by helping small business & keeping our big business here.

    3.  Entitlement reform.

    4.  Curb pork spending (if it doesn't benefit all Americans, we don't need it).

    5.  Drill now, build new refineries (to refine our own fuel, instead of importing refined product), nuclear plants & stop using food for fuel. Search for different means of energy.

    6.  Term limits for our government to match the Presidential limits.

    7. Not necessarily last, but keep terrorist off American soil.

    There is just so many things we need to do, but is there anyone out there that's willing to do it?

  8. Yes! If we had more liberals in government that would be great.

    There is a major difference.

    Check this web site out if you are really interested.

  9. Im speaking as an ex republican.I came to the realization that the problems we have right now are the result of 8 years of republican administration.even the so called "liberal caused problems" were not "fixed" by Bush Cheney and the republican gang,and they had 8 years to do it.  

  10. yes i believe there are issues that require change.  I think there are several key areas where dems and repubs both believe change is needed, the problem is that they disagree on the methodollogy.  Dems solutions almost always include socialization of industry, republican solutions almost always include free market solutions.

    for example I believe that the only way we can deal with the new threats of the 21 century is to become energy independent.  Unlike liberals, however, I believe the best way to do it is to allow the Market forces to work.

  11. I've been staying out of politics lately for the most part, usually doesn't mean much what the candidates say until they have their running-mates and start debating each other formally, but I get the impression that Republic think the country requires a lot of change, but a different kind.  I think they seek strategic change, rather than goal changes.  In other words, I think they look at change more in terms of "How?" than "What?"

    All that should become clearer once the candidates engage in debates directly.

  12. The Repub's probably want to finally overturn Roe v Wade.......which hasn't happened even after 8 years of their Messiah in charge of appointing judges.

    I have a feeling they also want to cut the legs out from underneath public education. I support school choice and homeschooling is fine to me, but not at the expense of those already enrolled in the system. Preserving s*x education, science, foreign language and fine arts is also most important. If *I* were in charge, I would take at least half of our military expenditure and dump it all on education. Give the unions, teachers and parents everything they think we need. Raising our kids' IQ's and building work ethic in them will solve ALL the problems in the future.

  13. I'd like to see few (or no) illegal aliens and more legal immigrants (illegal aliens are law breakers, legal immigrants become great Americans).

    I'd like to see the mainstream press report more fairly (hold both sides to the same standards, similar amount of coverage).

    I'd like to see controversial issue that have similar features (gun control and abortion) analyzed in a similar manner and the laws that are made be applied similarly (i.e. gun laws vary between different jurisdictions, even though the 2nd Amendment is still in place, but for some reason abortion laws MUST be the same everywhere).

    I'd like to see the 1st Amendment applied more fairly (either we have the right to say ANYTHING we want or we don't).  Either ALL religions should be hidden from public view (and NO preacher should ever discuss politics fom the pulpit) or ALL religions should be accepted, open and public and politcally active.

    These to me are the biggest things wrong with this Nation.

  14.     Downsizing Government slashing un needed governement regualtions and over lapping bureauocracies, Cutting taxes implementing a fair or flat tax, term limits, making Washington work for all of us and not some narrow segment of the population like g**s or eco warriors or illegals.

  15. Tighter border security.

    Start recovering more of our natural resources while we develop and perfect alternatives.

    Give people the option of privatizing their own social security.

    Legalize marijuana, regulate it and tax the h**l out of it like alcohol.

    Institute substance abuse testing for welfare recipients.

    Sign deal to remove vast majority of troops from Iraq.

    Let's take care of the Taliban once and for all.

    Make it more friendly and profitable for corporations to do business in this country.

    Flat income tax across the board.

  16. well first the  window where like the bubble comes out in the picture with them walking but you must be careful because of the dogs and the two cages on the field

  17. Our energy policy for one.  We need to find something that works besides oil, and not just talk about it, do it.  Immigration, I have no problem with other nationalities moving over here, I just want them to do it legally.  I think the process needs some work, if it were clearer and easier, maybe we wouldn't have so many illegals.  Taxes- I realize the government needs to pay off it's debt, but I really think they should cut spending and balance the budget with the money they have instead of asking us to give more.  As for government programs (welfare) I'm not bothered by cutting spending there, people need to be more self-suffficient and not rely on government to take care of their food, health, housing, etc..  I'd like to see changes in the way health insurance works, I don't support government health care, I would like to see major tax breaks for companies providing health insurance to it's employees, I have a small business, and it would sure be an incentive for me if I got a big tax break for paying for employee insurance.  Also, like to see a change in the way people view abortion.  I don't see a reversal of Roe v Wade, but partial birth?  We shouldn't even be having those debates.  Very few abortions are done because of the mother's health, and everyone knows it.  I think both parties see a need for change, just maybe not the same change.  I would like to see a change back to a more conservative US, not a more liberal.

  18. Our borders and immigration need to be enforced.

    Our public school systems need a major overhaul.

    Our million page tax code needs serious revision - if not a total scrapping.

    Personal responsibility and family values need a revival.

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