
Do Republicans hold out any hope that Sarah will say something intelligent tonight?

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Kind of like when she was a beauty pageant contestant? Same thing, right?




  1. She's the most popular governor in the country. I have NO DOUBT she will deliver a BRILLIANT speech tonight. You're scared, aren't you?

  2. It's all a matter of how well she reads the teleprompter. Like the republicans did last night.  

  3. Her theme will be to elude evade and gloss over and get the people who already going to vote for McCain fired up and then she will step down and announce that someone else will be the running mate to McCain

  4. Well now that you mention it, we are trying to reach some democratic votes!!!

    So yea, good thinking, she better not be too complex in her speech - something very simplistic like a pageant speech.

  5. better watch it..........sarah might get her personal attorney to fire you from your job if you say bad things about her.( HA HA HA) and then make the state pay for it.

  6. We are all very excited to watch and listen to her!   She will make a great VP!     She has MORE EXPERIENCE than Obama does!    She also is a REFORMER with PROOF !   Obama has NO proof or any leading experience.     Palin ran a city and State!  Obama ran a community org. with BILL AYERS.  

    Vote McCain!

  7. Why do you think she is stupid?  She's going to deliver a rousing speech I'm sure.  Granted, it may not address the issues, but what candidate is looking at issues.

  8. Sure of one thing. There is a better chance of Sarah saying somehting intellegant more than you posting an intellgent question.

  9. Not only Republicans know she will say all the right things but many women of America also think this.

    Congratulations on not being too bright.

  10. It will be a lot of "The democrats betrayed women! But the republicans want to break that glass ceiling! I'm a woman! See? Vote for us!"

  11. Democrats are going to cry when they hear her tonight and realize their hopes of an Obama win have been dashed.

  12. Errr.

    Forgetting she also was a newscaster, are we?

    Mrs. Palin is just wonderful person, don't you agree?

    Best regards.

    Vote for the HERO!

  13. AHHHH! DUHHH!---WELL---AHHH---

    I think my imitation of Obama is pretty good.

  14. She's said nothing BUT intelligent things - where've you been??

  15. They just hope there are no more bombshells waiting to drop about her--and despite what the McCain camp says there's no such thing as a media moratorium on questions about a VP pick.  Just taking the uppity strategy with the media suggests to them that the best is still waiting to be found.  It only stirs them up more.  What a lousy campaign the GOP has run.

  16. i saw on the news that she was "testing the microphone sound system"... she is not a leader and you can hear it in her voice. she doesn't have the passion to lead like hillary clinton and sounds nervous whenever she speaks.

    republicans only hope she doesn't back out so all she has to do is just show her face and say go mccain.

    i can't wait for joe biden to fry her in the vice presidential debates... that will be fun.  

  17. You people s***w up again, you lowered the bar so low for her, by smearing her, she is going to blow the socks right off you and your liberal croonies, she is going to be remarkable....Thanks!

  18. Mrs. Palin will say something amazing tonight. She is as conservative as anyone. She has a lot more experience than Mr. Obama. But of course, the Media wants Mr. Obama to win. Why do you think they focus on the Republican nominees bad traits, and his good traits. Governor Palin is the best choice. Mr. Romney would have been a sound one also.

  19. I heard her acceptance speech and I don't know if I can handle her whinny voice!

  20. They don't really care, they will praise her no matter what, like they do with McCain: memorize simple slogans, chant them in unison, and with several thousand repetitions, they almost sound true.

  21. Hey look on the bright side, we may actually have a beauty queen that has a chance of obtaining world peace.

    I am sure she will speak quite well, why are you disparaging her before she even speaks? Where is your open mind?

  22. maybe she is smart enough not to plagerize her speech like biden did. or sharp enough to run a state, manage a budget or make executive decision like, NOT OBAMA. i think it is funny that the left is trying to belittle her accomplishments as a gov and a women, and this is the party of tolerance and change yet they have filled the power vac of the dnc with the establishment party. nice job.

  23. O.k. like.. like... you could like ask like.... a intelligent question? like ok?

    we do not have to hold on to hope

    we allready know without a doubt she will definitly blow the socks off both Obama and Biden and all  the Dumocrats. lol

  24. I don't have to hold out hope.. I know she will..

    ADD: Oh so it's okay for the Dems *cough* Obama *cough* to use a teleprompter but not the repubs... alrighty then... just more hypocrisy I guess... :/

  25. I doubt she'll be pandering to the "Smug and Self-Congratulatory" crowd...Obama had you guys locked up in February...


  26. This is what I understand about Palin -she is a registered Republican who has stronger ties and political relationships with the Independent separatist group in Alaska. I doubt this will be mentioned as the stark reality of her political career . I doubt that she will mention the gag orders that she applied to local government employees. Or how she back stabbed some people who helped with her political career and wrongfully fired others .

    I am sure her speech will be about spending and tax's and how the abortion issue is all the Democrats fault . Same Ole - BS.

  27. no becasue they will be behind her regardless

  28. Actually the Republicans are pretty sure she's going to say something that is intelligent. It's the Democrats who are hoping her speech will be a complete flop.  

    If she comes off sounding like someone who uses her brain to think with it shoots 99% of their objections to her in the butt.

    It does seen odd that now it's the Democrats who are hollering inexperience. After all she served as Governor of Alaska. And that is as high as you can go at the state level. It's not like being in the legislature where individually you are just one of many. Think about this. A state can have many US Representatives and two US Senators. But that same state will only have one Governor. And at the state level Governor serves many of the same functions as the President at the national level. It's the Executive position.

  29. I hope she will verbally back slap Barack, Biden, their loony followers and the corrupt and cowardly media that constantly badger her 17 year old daughter!

    Now, run along and go play with your Barbie Doll!

  30. Obviously you have not heard her speak yet.  Be ready to be impressed.  She is awesome.

  31. I think she will be amazing tonight and seal the deal with the Clinton Democrats who will then vote for her.  She's a bright intelligent woman who has more executive experience than Obama ever dreamed of.  You will see tonight...................

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